Àgbà John Doe Profile picture
Man, Husband, Father, Uncle. C-in-C of Àgbàfians. Reality-based. The truth hurts & heals. Insults=Block. Patriarchy FC Flag Bearer. DMs to @jon_d_doee End.
65 subscribers
Mar 4 5 tweets 2 min read
I believe you must have met her parents before now.

And that she has met yours.

If that's the case, tell your parents that you want to go see her parents.

And that this time, you want to go & tell them that you want to marry their daughter.

And that if they grant it, you'll Image Like to visit another time, with your family member(s).

Her father will tell you when it'll be convenient for him to receive you again.

You'll have to do the same for your girlfriend.

She'll have to visit your parents, and this time, you're formally introducing her as the
Mar 2 13 tweets 3 min read
For the umpteenth time, let me repeat a few things to young men.

1) you do not meet a lady, and you attempt to coerce her to date you by telling her that you are dating her for marriage.

If you do this, you're already losing before starting.

2) you do not go for any lady that is obviously way ahead of you in age, social class, education or financial status.

A man is supposed to be ahead of his woman in almost everything.

3) you do not see a lady in financial distress, and you take pity on her, then you start to take up her financial burden.
Feb 27 14 tweets 3 min read
And this is why I always emphasize on men leading their wives right.

Tables can turn in marriage.

If you lead your wife right, she'll always portray you as the provider.

Even if she has more money than you do.

How does it start?

It starts from when you're in a relationship. I have said many times, that for those of you in relationship, your girlfriend is not supposed to be the ones paying for dates.

And that if you do not have money, she should find ways to assist you without making it look like she's the one paying for the date.

She'll buy things
Feb 22 11 tweets 4 min read
When I tell young men to treat women how they ought to be treated and not how they wish to be treated, some of you do not get it.

Please read this DM from a married man of 6 years.

This is a man that has been solely responsible for his family of two children.

It's easy for Image
anyone to estimate the ages of their children.

The eldest should not be more than 5, and the youngest is under 5.

Tell me...

How can a mother of two children, whose husband has been providing for them, say that she's depressed?

I know that we have clinical depression, but is Image
Feb 18 6 tweets 3 min read
It was just last night that I said women who date men that have been damaged will literally be walking on egg shells.

Please read this DM.

Young lady, I do not think that your parents refusal to consent to his marrying you, is all about his financial capacity.

They worry Image
more for your safety and well-being.

Recall that they has initially consented but changed their minds after your elder sister & her husband revealed to them, what you're experiencing in the relationship.

If I were your father, I'll also refuse to consent to his request. Image
Feb 17 7 tweets 3 min read

If I tell you that there is nothing wrong with your husband, you'll not agree.

That "I love you" that you're craving for, you go wait tire ooo.

I hardly tell my wife that I love her, but I tell my kids that everyday, & at anytime.

But your husband loves you. Image
I understand that you want to be hearing it eveeytime, but sorry, you will not.

And I don't want you to start over thinking anything.

If you continue to make a mountain out of a mole hill, you'll irritate your husband.

His focus is to be there for you and his kids, & show you
Feb 13 9 tweets 3 min read
First, you need to be grateful to God that she left you.

Not because she's necessarily a bad person, but because she doesn't want to ruin you.

Everything about you to me, and to her, reaks of weakness in masculinity, which she knows too well.

And no woman who wishes to be Image
married to a masculine man, will want you.

It's only women who want their husbands to be mumus that will accept to marry you.

Women do not love men.

Any woman that is telling you that she loves her husband, means something entirely different from the love that a man gives or
Feb 9 13 tweets 3 min read
When it comes to finances.

You as a woman, must be very careful with how you use it to uplift/help your man.

It's never in a woman's place, to be financially responsible for her man.

It's in her place to be financially accountable to him.

If you throw your money to his face carelessly, he'll resent you & may even take your money.

Depending on his level of greed or entitlement.

If you're married, even if you want to take up some of his responsibilities, you must seek for his consent before you do that.

You as a wife, must not pay the school
Jan 11 13 tweets 3 min read
No, it's not a crime but it's a problem.

So let me say this to you, & to single ladies like you.

If you're in your teens or early 20s, telling a man that you're a virgin & you do not want sex before marriage could be understandable.

But when are approaching 30, it becomes a Image

You have described yourself first, by saying that you have a car and you're comfortable taking care of yourself.

It's a good thing, but men who know what they're looking for in a wife, are not easily carried away by those things.

If at your age, the first things that
Jan 9 13 tweets 3 min read
So that is what I think a lot of young married people lack.

1) patience
2) tolerance
3) discernment

I've always told us that the first 5 years of your marriage will be very challenging for most married people.

I've also shared a few screenshots between my wife and I from about 8 years ago.

If a newly married man or woman shares a DM with me, & shares similar screenshots from his wife or her husband, & I advice him or her to be patient.

Some of you will come to the comments section to scream...

"This marriage is toxic!"

"You married a beast!"
Jan 1 6 tweets 2 min read
Unfortunately, men have been made to believe that women are the only ones who have biological clock.

Men too have biological clock.

You're even lucky that the ladies in their early 20s are turning you down.

Because most of them will use you.

Perhaps, they have sized you, & Image
figured that there is not much to "gain" from you.

And you can't blame them honestly.

You just found a job few months ago.

So you're just starting life at 40.

At your age, one would expect that you will be very capable to handle responsibilities.

But where I am a bit
Jan 1 11 tweets 3 min read
Because tell me..

How can you be in a 4 year relationship, with a man that deflowered you, & everyone from your family & his, have endorsed you.

Then just because your man & you are quarreling, & because he was ignoring your calls, then you suddenly thought that the relationship was over?

Nothing else ruined her & her 4 years relationship, but her feelings.

She lost control of it when the man wasn't picking her calls.

She needed to feel "happy", and went to fuck another man not just once, but 3 times!.

Now, she's begging.

Her mother,
Dec 31, 2024 9 tweets 2 min read
Today is the 31st of December 2024.

Single ladies, part of your new year resolution should be...

1) I'll stop begging men for money to eat, buy pad, and for airtime

2) I'll not cheat on my boyfriend

3) I'll drop all feminists mindset

4) I'll learn to respect my man more 5) I'll not date a yahoo boy

6) I'll not date a man that is addicted to betting or gambling

7) I'll stop hanging out with friends that are into hookup

8) I'll stop posting seductive images of myself online, & I'll start to dress more decent

9) I'll always respect my father
Dec 25, 2024 8 tweets 3 min read
DMs that I love to read from young ladies.

And this is what makes alot of you young ladies misbehave.

Bad friends and young girls that are into prostitution.

They call themselves "baddies".

Olosho baddies.

Dear young girl, you're on the right path.

And unfortunately, you Image
cannot say that you'll not cut them off.

A bad friend is a bad friend.

It doesn't matter whether you are childhood friends.

Tell your father what they're pushing you to do, and you'll see how your father will warn you sternly.

And if your man gets to know the types of friends
Dec 25, 2024 16 tweets 5 min read
Please make sure that you read to the last screenshot.

It's from a man that has obviously married the wrong wife because he met her as a virgin.

I need some of you ignorant young men to read, & read carefully.

If you fail to read & understand his DM, you'll find yourself in Image
this man's unfortunate but avoidable situation.

Everyday, I remind you all about what it takes to find a wife, & what it means to lead a woman.

And that if you allow a woman to trigger you unchecked, you'll become a figure head in no distance time.

You'll question your sanity. Image
Dec 23, 2024 12 tweets 3 min read
It's quite unfortunate.

Here is a man that sponsored his wife through school and married her 12 years ago.

Things have gone bad for him financially, and his wife has become a thorn on his flesh, & peace has left his home.

Let this DM serve as another reminder that, women Image
are more loyal to their feelings than your sacrifices.

And that how you led her during your relationship days, will determine how she'll treat you when things go bad for you in marriage.

Regardless, it's all about the patience level of your wife.

Even if you led her well, a
Dec 22, 2024 4 tweets 4 min read
Please read the conversation that I had with a 24 year old virgin.

Ensure that you read to the last screenshot 👇. Image
Dec 21, 2024 8 tweets 3 min read
When he declined not to go abroad to study, he said he did it because of you.

He was making sure that he was carrying you along his plans.

Now the opportunity for you to go abroad has come, & he has also decided to change his mind because of you.

Meaning he has made two key Image
decisions about his future, career & life because of you.

Now it's your turn to make a key decision on your career path because of him.

But deep down in your mind, you cannnot do it.

Your goal is to have a career in nursing, & you've concluded in your mind that choosing him
Dec 17, 2024 5 tweets 4 min read
Please read the conversation that I had with a 30 year old married man.

Ensure that you read every screenshot 👇. Image
Dec 16, 2024 9 tweets 2 min read
For many of you single women in your 20s and in the corporate world.

Don't ignore genuine relationships in the name of I want to focus on my career.

You'll go so deep into your career and grow in it.

And by the time you get to your late 20s and early 30s, you would have gotten to mid-levels.

Some of you will even become managers in your various departments.

And you will be making reasonable amount of money.

If you're still single at this stage, you may find it very difficult to meet men who would want to take you seriously.

And because you
Dec 13, 2024 5 tweets 2 min read
You say that you've been a silent follower for a year.

If you really have been paying attention, you'll not come to my DM.

But you're still lucky that you came, before you make a mistake.

See you talking about she loves you.

I've told you men several times that women don't Image
love men but you have refused to listen.

If you think that she loves you, why are you now in my DM?

Should you not be happy that she loves you?

Do you need my advice since she loves you?

I have also repeated, that when you break up with a lady, and then she has gone ahead to Image