Jon Maiden Profile picture
Passionately progressive. Positively disruptive. Founder of @Panjango - seeking to transform the way the world learns! (All views very much my own!)
May 2, 2020 5 tweets 1 min read

First they promised to test 250,000 people a day.
But they knew they'd miss their target.
So then they promised to test 100,000 people a day.
But they knew they'd miss their target.
So then they promised to do 100,000 tests a day.
But they knew they'd miss their target. So then they promised to have the capacity to do 100,000 tests a day.
But they knew they'd miss their target.
So then they said they had 'deployed' tests to 100,000 people.
And they congratulated themselves on meeting their target.
Dec 10, 2019 10 tweets 2 min read
Strap yourselves in folks, one of the political stories of the century is brewing...

1. A concerned mother shares a photo of her 4-year-old boy who was forced to wait hours on a hospital floor with suspected pneumonia.

1/10 2. A journalist challenges Boris Johnson about the story by showing him the picture of the boy on his phone.

3. Johnson repeatedly refuses to even look at the boy, let alone acknowledge responsibility, and eventually snatches the phone and puts it in his pocket.
