Jon Benzinger Profile picture
Husband. Father. Pastor @rbcgilbert. Part of @redeemersem, @redeeming_truth, & author of
Sep 21, 2024 15 tweets 3 min read
I wrote this yesterday in our staff chat at @rbcgilbert.

Maybe it'll help you as you process what going on with @DrStevenJLawson.

A thread


Hey Everyone,

As many of you probably know, it came out yesterday that a famous preacher and author within the circles our church is most aligned with fell morally. Dr. Steven Lawson committed adultery after being married to his wife, Anne, for over four decades. He has devastated her, his kids, his grandkids (pray for them all!), and tens of thousands that looked up to him. He has disqualfied himself
Sep 21, 2024 15 tweets 3 min read
I wrote this to our staff at @rbcgilbert.

Maybe it’ll help you as you process the @DrStevenJLawson debacle.

A 🧵


Hey Everyone,

As many of you probably know, it came out yesterday that a very famous preacher and author within the circles our church is most aligned with fell morally. Dr. Steven Lawson had an affair with a woman around a third his age after being married to his wife, Anne, for over four decades. He has devastated her, his kids, his grandkids (pray for them all!), and tens of thousands that looked up to him. He has disqualified
May 20, 2022 6 tweets 2 min read
When to find a new church:

• If the point of the sermon is rarely ever the point of a biblical passage or group of passages
• If you realize you haven’t heard about the Cross recently
• If anti-Gospel movements, figures, and/or ideologies set the direction for your leaders • If people exist for the benefit of the leaders (rather than the other way around)
• If people are not being fed the Word, led biblically, protected from wolves & cared for spiritually
• If love is always pitted against sound doctrine (when it’s not either-or, but both-and)