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May 6, 2021 9 tweets 29 min read
@flyspicejet @MakeRefund11 As I have said earlier as well. I refuse to email impersonal email addresses incessantly. I have emailed several times before but I keep getting the same copy and paste script email responses.
@HardeepSPuri @DGCAIndia @MoCA_GoI @PIB_India @mygovindia @jagograhakjago @MEAIndia @flyspicejet @MakeRefund11 @HardeepSPuri @DGCAIndia @MoCA_GoI @PIB_India @mygovindia @jagograhakjago @MEAIndia As you can see the refund request was originally raised in September 2020. But @makemytripcare didn't care nor did @flyspicejet and @MakeRefund11 was farthest from their minds