he/him/his. Semipro activist wrangler (@IndivConejo), amateur dog walker. Opinions my own--or ARE they? 🧐 (Some insist they're funded by George Soros)
Jul 8, 2022 • 27 tweets • 10 min read
A quick 🧵 about the #RobMob, Christian nationalists’ real goals for our kids’ education, & our community’s mistaken interpretation of the scandal surrounding city council member Kevin McNamee’s push for “learning centers” in new housing developments. /1
I just lowered myself into the pit of toxic vapidity that is the “Liberty Station” podcast, where #RobMob’ers @Bryceeddy1 & Steve Schneider bitched & moaned about being called out for their transphobia & the wedge of bigoted fear they’re trying to drive through our community. 2/