How to get URL link on X (Twitter) App is the direct result of megacorps buying news outlets and providing you news with slants and bends that are 100% unreliable and based entirely on protecting billionaires and wealthy businessmen who’s business it is to prey on the masses for exploitation. 1+1 equals 2.’t get so woke that you’re literally admonishing children for being children. This is like white liberalism on super steroids. Don’t assume that just because we’re appreciating a breather that we don’t comprehend what’s going on around us many old Mickey cartoons are just Pluto shorts w/ Mickey in them b/c they were afraid to touch him. -- I imagine these as budget releases to pass the time until the next BIG 3D Sonic game is ready, or even better get Sonic Team re-acclimated to the physics of 2D Sonic with templates already made between these and Mania. mean it’s easy to laugh at how much Claudia Conway is making her mom look like a fool and a liar on the regular but at the end of the day she’s still a 15 year old girl. was young. I needed the money lmao that the early, janky Mario movements & shaky jarring camera of Mario 64 would regularly make me motion sick. Like, to the point that I needed to get up and get some ginger ale after about 15 power stars. I live on the outskirts of Birmingham — literally about 1 traffic light up and you’re in deeper country areas.