How to get URL link on X (Twitter) App's a recording of this equity consultant hysterically attacking Richard for his supposed racistness. In the fullness of time, it should all be made public. This tragic episode gives us a window into the sadistic mindset of the fanatics who've taken over our school boards these people don't leave campus or their homes to mix with commoners (shopping is done online, & they often work from home), they've been left to create a bizarrely cultish sub-society that exists, in electronic form, in a way that's completely detached from real life....'t wait for the government to freeze the union members' bank accounts.... then when labor supporters raise money for the strikers, @TorontoStar will do a big splash on the doxxed donor list. Stay tuned. Big show coming up folks. contention is that GPR-detected anomalies signal the remains of children murdered in cold blood, or hastily & secretively buried after expiring of neglect. It's an extraordinary claim that, in any other context, wd immediately be investigated. But in two years... nothing .... thing about this job is that any claim about what "two spirit" means is unfalsifiable. Read this EFTO report: Two Spirit means gay, or not gay, trans, or not trans, or none, or all. You're not allowed to ask. Whoever gets this job can study their navel until they get tenure Brooklyn-based CBC President mutes Canada