Jonathan Kay Profile picture
@quillette editor, writer, podcaster. Author. Advisor to @fairforall_org & @FSU_Canada. ex-lawyer -engineer -coder. Lapsed Jew. Gamer. Problematic Canadian.
8 subscribers
Mar 15 7 tweets 2 min read
I’m not sure there is any real equivalent to Canada‘s Liberal party in any other country. It more or less just transforms itself into whatever voters want. As recently as a few years ago, Trudeau‘s idealized successor was a genderfluid BLM supporter and environmentalist who agonized hourly about indigenous genocide. Then they were like, “oh no, that’s not what anybody wants at all, so let’s just elect a serial G7 banker white dude who flushes all that crap down the toilet.” And it’s working ! The insane thing is how short everyone’s memory in this country is. In 2021, all anyone could talk about was how Canada is a genocide state. In fact, we were a double genocide state! MMIWG and those unmarked graves no one seems to be able to find. You’d think that ending this supposedly ongoing genocide would be the first order of business for any new Prime Minister. Nope. No one cares. Yesterday’s news. Let’s get on with smashing US liquor bottles and trashing Wayne Gretzky.
Feb 6 6 tweets 3 min read
so it turns out that @Nathanielle_Qc, Canada’s $140K/year “advisor to the Minister of Women” who claims male runners have no biological athletic advantages over female runners …. is a biologically male failed Liberal candidate who “wins” 5Km road races in the female category Image
In this race, the stunning and brave advisor came in first, beating out a 12-year-old girl by 36 seconds Image
Oct 29, 2024 12 tweets 5 min read
much of the leaked info I get is from federal bureaucrats, who spend half their time in DEI sessions, learning about how genocidal their employer is.
E.g. these docs concerning an especially disastrous Oct 10 "Indigenous Voices" session at @TransportCA’s Ont office...(thread...) Image on 10/10, deputy mins Arun Thangaraj @Transport_DM / Brigitte Diogo brought in a woman named Sandra Bender to do a canned talk on unmarked graves etc. To Bender’s shock, the audience pushed back, noting that those 215 “unmarked graves” don’t seem to exist. So things got wild... Image
Oct 6, 2024 5 tweets 3 min read
I do a weekly shift at a Toronto food bank, where we serve almost 400 people per week, at least a third of whom are recently arrived Muslim immigrants (we’re near thorncliffe park). You know how many keffiyehs/palestinian-themed symbols I see every week? Zero. None. Nada. While many of these clients no doubt have geopolitical views very different from my own, they have the good sense & manners not to alienate those around them. (The food bank in question is a church, and many of the volunteers are Jewish. We would never deny anyone entry based on whether they were wearing a keffiyeh, needless to say.) This aggressive anti-Israeli (and sometimes antisemitic) radicalism u see in these “all out for [demonizing Israel|” hate jamborees should *not* be taken as an excuse to vilify the Canadian Muslim community as a whole. By my observation over the past two years at the food bank, the majority of Canadian muslims are focused on the same basic (Canadian) challenges we all face. The performative cadres u see in these videos are very much (though admittedly not exclusively) an extension of upper middle class campus protest culture, fueled by institutionally ensconced (non Muslim) hatebags such as Fred Hahn. This is something I’d ask my followers to remember before they give vent to Islamophobia in their comments. By the way, I got to know some of these residents of Thorncliffe Park pretty well when I took the city of Toronto taxi course for a blubbertusk cover story I did on the growth of Uber and the demise of taxis. The vast majority of the people in the class were Muslims, and I used to give some of them a lift back to their apartment complexes along Overlea blvd (near what was then my favourite Wendy’s). we talked about all sorts of things, but I really never heard them bring up the Middle East or anything like that. They are mostly just pissed off that it’s so hard to get their professional accreditations back home recognized in Canada.
Sep 24, 2024 5 tweets 2 min read
Appreciate @Noahpinion sharing my @Quillette piece far & wide. But a few refinements in regard to this tweet.
1) even indigenous groups didn’t claim there was a “mass grave.” That was an invention of @ianrausten of the @nytimes (which, inexplicably, still hasn’t run a correction on his hideously botched 2021 articles) …. 2) the far more common claim (which caused the 2021 social panic in Canada) was that 215 *individual* “unmarked graves” had been found. This was also completely untrue. What was found were GPR anomalies, which, even 3 years later, have yielded zero graves. Some sites have been dug up & there was nothing there (to the enormous disappointment of the justly mortified Canadian media corps)…
Sep 13, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
A group called Mohawk Mothers has been seeking to delay/block McGill U’s “New Vic” project in Montreal—based on claims of secret burials & unmarked Indigenous graves on the site. Today, @mcgillu’s provost reported that no graves were found, including in areas identified by GPR... Image (no word yet on whether McGill's leadership team will be indicted on charges of "denialism")…
Jul 20, 2023 8 tweets 3 min read
I spoke to Richard a few times. He was publicly denounced by an equity consultant hired by TDSB to tell white ppl how racist they are. Richard questioned her absurd claims, & the woman used him as a case study in evil "whiteness"
This is what's become of TDSB under @TDSBDirector There's a recording of this equity consultant hysterically attacking Richard for his supposed racistness. In the fullness of time, it should all be made public. This tragic episode gives us a window into the sadistic mindset of the fanatics who've taken over our school boards
Apr 29, 2023 5 tweets 2 min read
What a pity that this ridiculous CBC hit job on @AbigailShrier can't get the massive ratio it deserves… Like clockwork Image
Apr 29, 2023 5 tweets 2 min read
a lot of parents are now telling me that their teenagers' social media feeds, especially TikTok, have started to shift 180 degrees on genderwang. the once-revered (bio-male) trans "influencers" & athletes are becoming figures of ridicule. pendulum seems to be swinging back hard Teenagers aren't dumb, but they do move in herds. The genderwang stuff was fun when it felt vaguely transgressive and daring. Now that they hear their dinosaur teachers and parents mumbling pronoun checks (not to mention the Bud Light & Hershey's fiascos), it's time to move on
Apr 28, 2023 10 tweets 3 min read
I've been struck by this too. Most Canadians are sensible. But then u find surreal college-town clusters of wealthy white paranoiacs convinced they all have long covid & that we inhabit a white supremacist genocide state (whose sins must be expiated by baby-jesus drag queens)... Since these people don't leave campus or their homes to mix with commoners (shopping is done online, & they often work from home), they've been left to create a bizarrely cultish sub-society that exists, in electronic form, in a way that's completely detached from real life....
Apr 28, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
This person ("they/her," naturally) is the Associate Director of the Centre for Learning & Teaching at @DalhousieU .... This is their/her reaction to the lifting of mask mandates at the university Image Image
Apr 28, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
This story gets weirder...That @uOttawa prof (and "queer legal historian") who claimed today that RBC bank employees started randomly taunting him homophobically and then threatening his life (because yeah, that always happens at the bank).... He's a former RBC employee Image He also worked for desjardins and... Surprise, surprise.... Claims to keep witnessing racism at desjardins ! ImageImage
Apr 27, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
The claim that staff at a Canadian bank told one of their customers they were going to "take him out" "with their own hands" seems extremely doubtful. ImageImage Yes this all definitely happened Image
Apr 25, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
Insurrection alert ! Can't wait for the government to freeze the union members' bank accounts.... then when labor supporters raise money for the strikers, @TorontoStar will do a big splash on the doxxed donor list. Stay tuned. Big show coming up folks.…
Mar 29, 2023 6 tweets 1 min read
hey, speaking of pampered lifestyles, the Mexican resort I stayed at earlier this month was full of Canadians. That included a guy who became my tennis partner, who's a child psychiatrist here in Canada. Naturally, I had some questions for him about current trends among kids ... like everyone else, he worries about all the kids (girls mostly) showing up claiming they're trans. But interestingly, that wasn't his main concern... bcuz he says they usually age out of the gender stuff once they find something that interests them besides their own ennui ...
Feb 18, 2023 8 tweets 3 min read
It's been almost two years since we were told that hundreds, or perhaps even thousands, of unmarked graves have been discovered across the country. In that time, precisely zero graves have been identified. Now an @NDP MP wants to make it illegal for anyone to point this fact out. The contention is that GPR-detected anomalies signal the remains of children murdered in cold blood, or hastily & secretively buried after expiring of neglect. It's an extraordinary claim that, in any other context, wd immediately be investigated. But in two years... nothing ....
Feb 6, 2023 6 tweets 2 min read
"Two Spirit Studies"
Last year, an Ontario teachers union wrote up a document purporting to instruct its members what two spirit actually means. They admitted they had no idea, except to such extent you have to be indigenous & "anti colonial" to qualify...… best thing about this job is that any claim about what "two spirit" means is unfalsifiable. Read this EFTO report: Two Spirit means gay, or not gay, trans, or not trans, or none, or all. You're not allowed to ask. Whoever gets this job can study their navel until they get tenure Image
Jan 19, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
February 23 will be a professional-development day for Ottawa-area @OCDSB teachers. Let's check in to see what kind of valuable pedagogical training they'll be getting from @ETFOeducators ... Then it's time to "Get REAL" !
Jan 19, 2023 5 tweets 3 min read
This @Kendall_Hanson @CHEK_News interview is beyond belief. The gym has a co-ed section, but this person specifically demands entrance to the woman's-only section because that would make them prove their belief that they're dealing with a "real woman"… Kendall presents this as news, not as satire, despite its eerie resemblance to Emily Howard's efforts to use the ladies' pool in Little Britain ...

Jan 18, 2023 5 tweets 2 min read
Good job. If there's one thing that's guaranteed to successfully goad Canadians into trusting the CBC again, it's a panel discussion at a university Breaking: Brooklyn-based CBC President mutes Canada
Nov 10, 2022 9 tweets 6 min read
In 2019 I was sued for libel by a director of @antihateca. He claimed @BarbaraRKay & I linked CAHN to "violent antifa.” Judgment released today: Claim dismissed. Judge: (1) CAHN *does* assist antifa; (2) CAHN director has used courts to stifle detractors (tho failed in this case) Litigating this to conclusion was expensive & time-consuming. But I felt it was important bcuz @antihateca was a govt-grant recipient (same "anti-racism" program used to cash out Laith Marouf); and, as trial approached, bcuz of CAHN's role spreading fake news during the convoy…