Jon Liedtke Profile picture
Jew, aspiring mensch, Samish Indian. Non-award winning nationally syndicated radio host & commentator. Views mine; enjoy & share.
Alex Kronstein Profile picture 1 subscribed
Jul 20, 2023 6 tweets 2 min read
Pierre Poilievre gave media the home address of a Canadian waitress and called her house a shack.

“I found it a little bit embarrassing especially when I seen it on social media...It’s not the greatest house on the street but it’s definitely not a shack.”… Hell of a campaign strategy...

Personally, I wouldn't send the nation's media to hound an unsuspecting and hardworking waitress in an attempt to manufacture a story for crass partisan political gain to directly insult her & her home, but what do I know, I'm not "Running for PM"
Oct 21, 2022 40 tweets 14 min read
Drew Dilkens says he should remain mayor of Windsor because he's 'Leadership that Delivers' while his opponent is 'Risky and Radical'.

Let's take a look back in a thread 🧵 “Some folks are saying that I left in the middle of a global pandemic. I left like five days before it was even declared a global pandemic...”…
Feb 13, 2022 11 tweets 5 min read
Good morning.
Looks like the #AmbassadorBridgeBlockade is coming to an end A source sends me this video of trucks being rerouted through Windsor's west side
Feb 11, 2022 166 tweets 76 min read
If you're just joining, here are threads from last Sunday, Tuesday, & Thursday, Wednesday.

The #BattleFor711 continues. #AmbassadorBridgeBlockade




Thursday Premier Ford, Ontario's Solicitor General, & Transportation Minister have a press conference schedule today.

Why will Ontario's premier, top cop, & transportation Minister hold a presser?

Hopeful to announce the end of the #AmbassadorBridgeBlockade

Feb 10, 2022 154 tweets 74 min read
Good morning everyone, except for the insurgent insurrections trying to deliberately tank the economy, raise food prices, cost jobs, & overthrow government.

I'll be starting a new thread to track #AmbassadorBridgeBlockade developments.

Follow along & share if you're inclined Zello chatter says OPP remains throughout the area & MTO on the way via the 401.

Protestors want to get an inflatable screen to show the Superbowl on, & there's talk about making t-shirts...

They also don't like Mayor Dilkens
Jan 25, 2022 25 tweets 9 min read
90% of Canadian truckers are vaccinated according to their industry association. The United States won't let unvaccinated truckers in. Not one participating trucker can explain to me how protesting Trudeau will change Biden's mind. No one has a right to a job. No one is forcibly vaccinated. Truckers can operate domestically.

This is a political stunt: It's the same organizers of UNITED WE ROLL about pipelines, sought to split apart Canada through WEXIT, now pretend their politics is about vaccines.