jønny ⦿⃤🔻 🇵🇸 !فلسطين حرة Profile picture
collage artist and writer for @socialistmag @debsinst / @socpartyamerica
Jul 23, 2024 6 tweets 3 min read
Let's talk about this guy, Christopher Helali.

Christopher Helali is the source of the second "Epstein Black Book: who supposedly bought it on Ebay for $450 dollar from someone who allegedly found it on the sidewalk in the 90s.
Helali is also known for, among other things, having stolen thousands of dollars from the IWW before abandoning wife and child to go play war tourist for the US aligned YPG in Rojava.
Feb 8, 2024 9 tweets 3 min read
There is a unexplored thread between the countercultural figure who wrote for Playboy, Robert Anton Wilson, and the American New Right as it exists today. Image Wilson saw himself as a subject that could escape ideology, but the truth was more that he was just mercurial. He was a Trotskyist in the 1960s. After he wrote for Playboy with his good friend Timothy Leary, & became an anti-feminist libertarian afterward.
Jan 19, 2024 9 tweets 3 min read
I have SERIOUS QUESTIONS about anyone who is working 24/7 to fight right wing red pill culture war while there is a GENOCIDE going on in GAZA. Who gets 1mil+ followers in a month, does spaces with Elon Musk, and gets funded by Birch Gold- the main financiers of the Daily Wire.
I have questions about people who attend elite Park Avenue Galas with Zionist weapons contractors. I have questions about someone who collects 100k a month off engagement while getting wrecked by IOF agents in spaces because you have to tie real stories to right wing culture war.
Jan 14, 2024 6 tweets 3 min read
The context of this now deleted stream of Hinkle defending Netanyahu is that Hinkle is defending his meetup with the zionist Jordan Peterson that he posted on IG on November 10th 2022. Coincidentally, Peterson posted himself eating dinner with Bibi the DAY BEFORE on Nov 9th 2022.

Jordan Peterson and Ben Shapiro were meeting with Netanyahu on that day as part of a Daily Wire partnership with Israeli intelligence. One of the Daily Wire's main financiers & advertisers is Birch Gold Group. Coincidentally, Birch Gold Group is also a sponsor of Jackson Hinkle. Image
Dec 22, 2023 6 tweets 2 min read
The Lehi were a zionist terrorist group in Mandatory Palestine that was eventually integrated into the IDF. They framed Zionism as anti-imperialist struggle against the British. They trained in Fascist Italy, and their publications spoke about jews as the master race over arabs. Image The Lehi saw the goals of Nazi Germany as the same as theirs, and sent representatives to seek an alliance with the nazis in 1940. One of the founders of the Lehi, Israel Heldad, wrote of Hitler "it is not Hitler who is the Hater of the Kingdom of Israel and the return to Zion."
Nov 2, 2023 8 tweets 3 min read
Since Brett Gelman is making the rounds doing showtunes in favor of genocide. It is worth noting that he was a performer with the Upright Citizens Brigade, which was an improv group/training center based in the philosophy of Del Close, the MKUKTRA adjacent improv guru.

@subliminaljihad have an episode on Del Close that is worth revisiting.
Mar 4, 2023 8 tweets 3 min read
Jackson Hinkle, confirmed federal asset, was recruited by Lt Gabbard, after being cast as an antigun/antinuclear activist, and handed an advisory position in a DC Congressional thinktank. He since been reassigned to a prominent role in the post-Bernie psyop to disrupt the left. https://t.co/XhgXBo0iDw

The EESI is a "bipartisan non profit" that among other things advises the CIA and DOD on the long term defense implications of climate change. Jackson got an speaking advisory role for his work trying to decomission nuclear power plants at the age of 18. Wow! What an upstart.
Jan 2, 2023 5 tweets 2 min read
Zbigniew Brzezinski and Aleksander Dugin Aleksandr Dugin & the "First Lady of Azov", Olena Semenyaka. (a figurehead of the Azov movement, international secretary of the National Corps since 2018 & de facto leader since the party’s foundation in 2016 while leading the publishing house & metapolitical club Plomin (Flame)
Dec 31, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
Psyops are cybernetic systems. If you want to have influence on a particular target, you're not doing so as an absolutist from outside of their circle. You're using mimicry to represent your target to themselves and effect a subtle change to achieve targeted desired effects. ImageImage
Dec 31, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
This manchild's job for the US government is to shitcoat & equate anti-NATO positions with pro-sex trafficking, anti-woman, reactionary opportunism so people think they must support NATO if they don't want disgusting predators like Jackson & Tate to roofie & rape their daughters. "WE ARE THE VERY REAL NATO OPPOSITION. WE ARE COMMUNISTS WHO SUPPORT THE TALIBAN, FREE MARKET ABSOLUTISM AND SEX TRAFFICKING. THIS IS WHAT COMMUNISM ACTUALLY IS. NO IM NOT A FEDERAL AGENT"
Dec 31, 2022 5 tweets 1 min read
Anyone calling themselves a libertarian is probably a pedophile. 🤷‍♂️ cedarcreeklake.com/news--politics…
Jun 21, 2022 12 tweets 4 min read
The idea that Fascism is just sexual repression gained favor in the New Left during the 1960s at which point the West German government knowingly placed children with pedophiles as a social experiment to "reprogram" them from sexual repression through pedophilic rape. Kentler references Wilhelm Reich's theories in his work, and this association is often repeated today colloquially that fascists are just sexually repressed, any aversion to pure sexual liberation is called fascist, and if you just get to them early enough, you can prevent it.
Jun 20, 2022 5 tweets 2 min read
Jun 20, 2022 5 tweets 2 min read
I personally think that its weird that the surreal 1992 Robin Williams movie 'Toys' about a military project turning children into weapons of war through gaming has been totally scrubbed from existence- distribution, and streaming. ImageImageImage It's not a conspiracy. FOX buries or sits on properties they dislike. For example, they refused to release Idiocracy widely in theaters. Someone let the rights lapse and it's not avaliable in the US currently. That's all I mean by scrubbed, you fuckin nerds.
May 22, 2022 4 tweets 2 min read
An example of an "Alternate Reality Game" is the Ongs Hat conspiracy in the late nineties spun out of whole cloth out of a Hakim Bey story. ARGs are fiction based quests set in a real world backdrop, a role-playing game where the world is the table.

gizmodo.com/ongs-hat-the-e… Prior to ARG meaning 'augmented' that is, Pokémon Go creators Niantic created Ingress prior to Pokémon, where players are agents in an invisible war mapped in real life only visible to those playing.
May 22, 2022 5 tweets 2 min read
Adbusters & Crimethinc did more damage to the American left than has been credited. The outcome of the two projects was a complete shift in a generation from Left Wing politics into "ethical consumerism" & anarchist lifestylism- a recuperated 'situationism' as a lifestyle brand.
Dec 9, 2021 10 tweets 3 min read
Neoanarchism - a portmanteau of neoliberalism and anarchism, an ideology which has its origins in anarchist alliances with imperialism in the first World War (ie Kropotkin's Manifesto of the Sixteen), and has metastasized as post Occupy Democratic Party/NGO aligned adventurism. Noam Chomsky interviewing AOC? Neoanarchism.
Dec 8, 2021 6 tweets 2 min read
Neo-anarchism is not voluntary in America. It is the mandatory ideology in leftist spaces, Among professional activists, it is culturally hegemonic, pushed by Vice News & Teen Vogue as the default set of a priori assumptions that front load neoliberal subjectivity into every org. With few exceptions the communist and socialist organizations have nearly all accepted the American Exceptionalist Anarchist frame as their primary organizational philosophy. Tail the democrats and NGOs and hope some punks and anarchists fall off the side and onto their team.
Dec 7, 2021 4 tweets 1 min read
In radical liberalism, the myth of american exceptionalism taught to children goes from being "America is the hero protagonist" to the "America is an immortal antagonist", but the core of the mythology is that America is the center, an end of history and class struggle. I remember reading the People's History of the United States for the first time as kid and learning about all these figures that American exceptionalists deny existed. They are American heroes who fought against the bourgeoisie, both radlibs and conservatives want to erase them.
Sep 15, 2021 10 tweets 7 min read
My true passion lies in making images. I find old media to cut up and make collages. It's a part of my dialectical & spiritual foundation to transform trash into something of beauty, and meaning. I sometimes hope that one might see in my work what I see in a Remedios Varo piece.


Sep 6, 2021 10 tweets 2 min read
"The strength and the weakness of the real anarchist struggle resides in its viewing the goal of proletarian revolution as immediately present (the pretensions of anarchism in its individualist variants have always been laughable). . From the historical thought of modern class struggles collectivist anarchism retains only the conclusion, and its exclusive insistence on this conclusion is accompanied by deliberate contempt for method..