Josie Pickens Profile picture
Educator. Organizer. Cultural Critic. Writer. Bylines: Ebony, Essence, Shondaland, Bitch +. Director of @upendmovement. Opinions presented are mine. (She/her)
Sep 1, 2022 5 tweets 1 min read
Today a mentee, who is 25, asked me what advice 45 year old me would give 25 year old me.

My answer: Quit early and often, and never allow anyone to shame you for doing so. Too many women are taught to over-invest in people, places, and things that have never and will never benefit them in the full ways that they deserve.

We are taught to nurture hope, potential and promises in and from others, instead of nurturing those things within ourselves.
Aug 27, 2021 16 tweets 3 min read
This tweet has been retweeted over 1,000 times & liked over 6,000 times, & I want to address publicly what I got completely wrong while tweeting it. That tweet was meant to be a snarky recap of a conversation I had with a male homie who was seeking advice about a woman he’s been seeing who requires “too much attention” from him. She wants regular communication and dates. He wants easy connection and sex.