Created @reactjs and @ReasonML.
Formerly @facebook
Nov 27, 2018 • 7 tweets • 2 min read
npm package malware is also a technology problem. Deps should be built at install time, on-host from original inspectable sources but npm practice is to build at package publish time so it runs everywhere w/out a build step. How badly you want JS to "not" be a compiled language!
So you have everyone turning their "JS" into *actual* JavaScript in a way that obscures the original intent, allowing things like the recent vulnerability to slip in easily. To fix this you need a completely different package management philosophy centered around.. Builds!
Jul 19, 2018 • 4 tweets • 1 min read
Hot take: Single page documentation is superior to documentation that spoon feeds three paragraphs at a time to you with prev/next pagers at the bottom. 1. Use command+f to search for things like you always do. 2. Easier to keyboard navigate. 3. Can still hyperlink to headers...
4. Instantly gives you all of the docs "offline". Just keep a browser tab open or save the HTML or print to pdf.