Joseph Attard Profile picture
Writer for @revcomintern. Host of @specompodcast.
Sep 14, 2024 5 tweets 2 min read
Confirmed in black & white. An unelected cabal of Blairites, funded by the rich, colluded to crush Corbyn. This included “schoozing” the press, admits ex-Guardian journalist author of this piece (@AnushkaAsthana).

Back then, they called it a conspiracy theory. Now they brag. 🧵
Image Also, despite the constant justification for the sabotage being that Corbyn couldn’t win an election, it seems @LabourTogether and Morgan McSweeny (now Starmer’s advisor) felt differently.

They had to stop Corbyn because *they were afraid he COULD win.* 🧵 Image
Jun 19, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
Glastonbury cancels planned screening of Oh, Jeremy Corbyn: The Big Lie, narrated by left-wing Jewish comedian Alexei Sayle, after accusations it peddles an "antisemitic conspiracy".

Corbyn addressed 50,000 people at the same festival in 2017.

Censorship. Not very rock & roll. Image Between this and attempts to shut down Roger Waters' rock concert by a coalition of the artistically illiterate and deeply cynical, it's been a bumper month for the Blairite-led war on artistic freedom! Image
Jun 19, 2023 6 tweets 2 min read
Paul Mason isn’t entirely wrong when he says Corbynism “destroyed itself.”

It ALLOWED itself to destroyed by refusing to tackle wrecking behaviour of Blairite MPs & staffers committed to its downfall, & call out so-called ‘lefts’ who gave their sabotage a lick of red paint. 🧵 Mason obviously says this now as a cynical careerist salivating for selection. He’s trying distance himself from a political movement the Blairites at the head of Labour are trying to bury under a heap of radioactive waste. Sadly for him, they’ll never trust him: he’s tainted. 🧵
Jun 8, 2023 16 tweets 5 min read
Attacks on Roger Waters are spiralling into a major culture war drama, with Keir Starmer’s Labour Party leading the charge in a poisonous culture war against artistic freedom of expression, anti-imperialism & the left using slander & innuendo. We’ve seen these tactics before…🧵 Image Just as a reminder of where this all started…

Waters faced several attempts to pull his shows in Germany on the spurious grounds of “antisemitism.” A Frankfurt Court ruled his show contained no illegal content & must be allowed to go ahead on the grounds of artistic liberty. 🧵
Jun 7, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
How it started.

How it’s going. ImageImage Just a thought, but between Wakeford posing for selfies with Simmons, despite slandering Roger Waters after failing to understand the concept of a costume, maybe Keir Starmer & his Blairite-run Labour Party shouldn’t be ruling on what music its members are allowed listen to. Image
Jun 7, 2023 5 tweets 2 min read
New International Marxist Radio! It's been a dramatic period for the USA, between '08 recession, Trump, COVID, the Afghan debacle, BLM, Capitol Hill Riot, conflict in Ukraine...

Are we approaching the Third (Socialist) American Revolution? @marxistjp tells all! Links in 🧵1/5 Spotify:… 🧵2/5
Jun 6, 2023 5 tweets 2 min read
The Marxists of Socialist Appeal were proscribed for opposing capitalism (literally stated in the NEC motion against us). Our proscription has been retrospectively enforced to purge lefts from Labour.

Whereas former Tory MPs & dubious characters like Neil Coyle remain MPs. 🧵 Image This is the reality: we were deemed incompatible with Labour membership under Starmer’s leadership because, unlike him, Luke Akehurst & the rest of the Blairite rabble, we stand for the interests of the working class, instead of the rich, the bosses & the imperialists. 🧵
May 26, 2023 8 tweets 4 min read
Roger Waters is being INVESTIGATED by Berlin police after he "appeared onstage in a Nazi-like uniform."

He's clearly depicting Pink from The Wall (1982), famously played by Bob Geldof, who descends into a drug-addled fascist fantasy in a film that CONDEMNS fascism. Absurd. 🧵 ImageImage Show included a list of people murdered by state violence, including Anne Frank, George Floyd & Shireen Abu Akleh.

Whether you think this is in good taste, it's a perfectly legitimate artistic statement, clearly taking aim at authoritarianism & government brutality generally. 🧵
May 25, 2023 9 tweets 2 min read
Direct action groups like Just Stop Oil reflect a genuine, urgent desire by a layer of young people in particular to do *something* about climate change before it's too late. Their methods are ineffective, but they're an understandable response to a very real threat. 🧵1/8 Image Reactionary pundits & politicians target these groups as part of a divisive culture war: enraging sections of the public, some of whom physically assault activists. Tories & Starmer's Labour both demand greater police powers to "deal with them", undermining civil liberties. 🧵2/8
May 24, 2023 5 tweets 2 min read
Part 2! We welcome back @marxistben for our bumper International Marxist Radio episode on Africa.

This week, we take a broader, historical view: dealing with imperialism, colonialism, Apartheid, revolution & counter-revolution.

Links in 🧵(1/5) #IMR Image Spotify:… 🧵(2/5)
Mar 29, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
Statement by @OlivierMateu: General Secretary candidate for @UniteCGT, on the battle against Macron:

“We are at a tipping point. By pulling the rope too much, they [Macron and his government] broke it..." 🧵1/4 "So let's say things openly: now, the subject is not only the rejection of the new retirement age of 64 years. The subject is the return to 60 years of retirement. It is the SMIC [interprofessional minimum wage] at 2,000 euros..." 🧵2/4
Mar 29, 2023 5 tweets 2 min read
Today’s episode of International Marxist Radio welcomes Alex from @derfunkeDE to discuss the crisis of capitalism & rise of class struggle in Germany, typified by ‘Mega-Strike’ on Mon.

A pillar of stability of the European capitalist system is crumbling! Links in 🧵1/5 #IMR Spotify:… 🧵2/5
Jul 14, 2022 8 tweets 2 min read
Open letter from the Trotskyists of @socialist_app to comrades of @yclbritain!

As Marxist-Leninists, you fight for world proletarian revolution & seek to build a revolutionary party ✊

But are your leaders worthy of these goals? And what did Marx & Lenin really stand for? 1/8 "In a letter to the Morning Star earlier this year, a member of the YCL argued that discussions over differences between Stalin and Trotsky 'are wasting our time'... a 'distraction from getting real work done'... He asks if we are not bored by talking about our history." 2/8
Jul 14, 2022 7 tweets 3 min read
"I saw the news today, oh boy.." #torybeatles "Don't let me drown" #torybeatles
Jun 29, 2022 11 tweets 3 min read
So, with Keir Starmer's continual race to out-Blair Tony Blair, I see Andy Burnham is being touted by some as the saviour of the Labour Party 'left'.

Hoo-boy! Think it's time for another 🧵on the guy's real record... 1/11 As an MP, he voted for British involvement in the Iraq War, refused to oppose Tory welfare cuts, and helmed NHS privatisations as Gordon Brown’s health secretary. 2/11
May 10, 2022 26 tweets 4 min read
Keir Starmer's 'honesty and integrity' - a history... (gonna be a long one). 🧵1/24 While he was DPP:

CPS refused to revisit wrongful convictions resulting from policeman Mark Kennedy unlawfully infiltrating activist organisations by seducing members. 🧵2/24
Feb 22, 2022 17 tweets 3 min read
Putin claims “modern Ukraine was completely created by Bolshevik Communist Russia.” Accuses Lenin of doing it “in a crude way, alienating Russia’s historical territories”.

Lenin's real position on Ukrainian national question was FAR from crude, & worth reading in full. (🧵1/16) Lenin is crystal clear in this 'Letter to the Workers and Peasants of the Ukraine', written in 1919 during the Russian Civil War: (🧵2/16)
Feb 21, 2022 17 tweets 4 min read
The witch-hunt of Paul Holmes.

How a cabal of Kirklees council bosses, Blairite councillors, right-wing union bureaucrats & petty cynics (including past & present members of the Socialist Party) conspired to get a socialist trade unionist sacked & sidelined. Read on. (🧵1/16) Paul has an unblemished 48-year record at Kirklees council. A shop steward for 46 years. Runner up in Unison's last Gen Sec election. Elected president of the union.

He's been a thorn in the bosses' side for decades - so they set out to destroy him. And they had help. (🧵2/16)
Feb 11, 2022 12 tweets 2 min read
I don't know who needs to hear this, but the EHRC has NEVER been fit for purpose, it has NEVER been truly fair or independent, and it's ALWAYS been an establishment instrument. Here's a handy thread! (🧵1/11) Commission was established in 2006 under Tony Blair, absorbing & replacing three previous bodies. The move was heavily criticised by activists who pointed out that there cannot be a ‘one-size-fits-all approach’ to inequality & discrimination. (🧵2/11)
Feb 9, 2022 5 tweets 3 min read

Two young people, Orla Murphy and Zac Lumley, will appear at the District Court in Dublin today.

They could face a year in prison.

They need your solidarity!

#ProtestIsNotACrime #NoMoreEmptyPromises (🧵1/5) Image Last March, they peacefully protested against the inaction of the Irish government in the face of climate change by painting the words “No More Empty Promises” on the front of a government building.

The paint was removed in 18 hours, no harm done. (🧵2/5) Image
Feb 1, 2022 10 tweets 2 min read
Keir Starmer was head of CPS when the 2009 ruling not to prosecute Jimmy Savile was made, but most likely wasn't directly involved in that decision. Make of that what you like.

HOWEVER. Here's a handy list of things you 100% CAN criticise him for while he was DPP... (🧵1/8) 2008, CPS refused to revisit wrongful convictions resulting from Mark Kennedy unlawfully infiltrating activist organisations by seducing members. (🧵2/8)