José Valim ( Profile picture
Creator of @elixirlang. Chief Adoption Officer at @dashbit and @livebookdev. Account used mostly for announcements.
Mar 14, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
Docker is now being actively hostile to open source projects. If we want to maintain elixir, livebook, and other images as teams, we now either have to shell out $300 per org or our the accounts will be deleted. The options are either:

1. Share an account (which probably violate terms)

2. Or stop using their registry altogether, which leaves the namespaces either outdated or exposed to hijacking

Oct 27, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
Is anyone aware of alternative syntaxes for generics/parametric types from other programming languages?

Most programming languages use type<A> or type[A], which I am not the biggest fan of.

As an example from Scala: def map[B](f: (A) ⇒ B): List[B] Bonus points if the syntax also includes bounded polymorphism.

Bonus points if the syntax keeps the type signature decoupled from the function definition (as in Haskell).
May 12, 2022 8 tweets 3 min read
I hope you are ready to have your mind blown🤯, because we released Livebook v0.6 and it includes a new feature called Smart cells, for automating and mastering new workflows.

Here is the video:

But I will do a quick recap on Twitter 🧵 [1/8] With Smart cells, you can now perform many notebook tasks **without writing a single line of code**!

For example, here I connect to a PostgreSQL database (MySQL also supported). [2/8] Image
May 11, 2022 4 tweets 2 min read
Making your template language integrated with HTML is one of my favorite features coming from SPA frameworks and I am surprised the majority of server-side frameworks haven't caught up. [1/3] Thanks to @MarlusSaraiva, those ideas are now part of @elixirphoenix via HEEx (HTML+EEx) templates. You get:

* leaner API for generating HTML
* template formatting
* expressive syntax for components
* syntax and semantic validation of HTML
* more coming...
