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I have seen Death and I’ve seen Life… I choose love| DM strictly for booking sessions. pls don't send a DM if it wasn't requested 🙏🏽🙏🏽| Therapy Spaces
4 subscribers
Jan 25 7 tweets 3 min read
What would you do as a parent in this situation???
Jan 14 19 tweets 3 min read

1. How do you resolve and manage anger related issues? 2. Are our family members allowed to come stay around if necessary or they're only allowed to visit for a period & leave?

3. What are your takes on divorce & separation?

4. What is your goal (purpose) for getting married?
Dec 15, 2024 24 tweets 5 min read
Gents, things to not do to your partner:

1. Don’t break her trust. Lying, being deceitful or cheating are the easiest ways to hurt and break a woman. You can’t claim to love her and consistently break the trust she has for you. That’s some evil behavior. 2. Do not take her for granted. It’s easy to overlook her efforts and contributions when you don’t see how much she does. Men being providers in situations where she’s a home wife can make them believe she’s not doing anything and that’s wrong.
Dec 14, 2024 23 tweets 4 min read
Ladies, things to not do to your partner:

1. Never argue with him in public, even if you have divergent thoughts and opinions. When you get home, you can resolve all that but not in public. 2. “I love you” doesn’t mean so much to men if you don’t respect him. Men’s perception of love is grounded in respect. So if you truly love him, show it with how you respect him and his opinions.
Dec 2, 2024 14 tweets 3 min read

1. Don't make a habit of putting your phone on silent mode or turning it off each time you're with your partner. It makes you look like you are hiding something 2. Save your partner's phone number using a special title like "Hubby", "Love", "Wife", "Sweetie". Or save using a title plus the official name. Using the official name only makes your partner look like just the other contacts on your phone

3. Answer your partner's phone call with loving affectionate words like "Hi love", "Hey honey". How a conversation starts detetmines how it flows. If you start warm, you two will enjoy talking with each other on phone
Dec 2, 2024 9 tweets 2 min read

1. There will be times I will be so mad at you and cold towards you. It's not that I hate you. I am just disappointed by what you did, my love hasn't gone any where. 2. There will be times I will not spend as much time with you as you wish me to. It's not that I am ignoring you, I am working hard for our future.
Nov 29, 2024 13 tweets 3 min read
13 Things you do that screams “childhood trauma” that needs urgent professional help:

1. Over-apologizing:
A lot of times, that comes from growing up in environments where you had to tiptoe around people's emotions, so you'd rather take the blame preemptively than deal with conflict. 2. Not accepting compliments: "Oh, this old thing? I just threw it on." "It wasn't that great; anyone could have done it." When you grew up not feeling seen or validated, it can be hard to believe that praise is genuine or even that you deserve it. So, downplaying yourself becomes second nature.
Nov 19, 2024 12 tweets 4 min read
Mrs Cynthia Okpara went to her husband's office to report him to his boss. She told her husband's boss how her husband Mr Odogwu Okpara usually squander his N60,000 salary and only gave her N30,000 for upkeep. After her narration, the boss told her to come back on the last day of the month.

On the said day, she arrived as planned. The boss called Mr Odogwu and they all sat down in the boss' office.
Nov 16, 2024 15 tweets 6 min read
Oct 9, 2024 8 tweets 1 min read

_Emotional Intimacy:_

1. Active listening and empathy
2. Share thoughts, feelings, and desires
3. Vulnerability and openness
4. Validate each other's emotions
5. Schedule regular connection time _Physical Touch:_

1. Regular hugs and cuddles
2. Hold hands and kiss often
3. Intimate physical contact
4. Massage and physical affection
5. Eye contact and gentle gestures
Oct 9, 2024 4 tweets 1 min read

1. LOVE BOMBING: flooding with affection to gain control.

2. GASLIGHTING: Making your doubt your reality.

3. SILENT TREATMENT: Ignoring you to make you feel guilty. 4. GUILT TRIPPING: Making you feel responsible for their emotions.

5. PLAYING THE VICTIM: Always being the one who is wronged.

6. FUTURE FAKING: Promising a future that never comes.

7. TRIANGULATION: Using others to make you jealous.
Jul 4, 2024 11 tweets 2 min read

Let’s just start by saying “everyone knows exactly what they’re doing”. Cheating never really just happens, it comes from a preconceived idea that is nurtured with time till it is acted out.

Read with context… When we talk about cheating, it comes on different types and forms and they are:

Emotional cheating
Micro cheating and
Physical cheating

For the sake of this conversation we’ll focus on physical cheating (while subtly touching on the other two along the way)
Jun 27, 2024 4 tweets 1 min read
If you like someone for their looks, it’s obsession.

If you like someone for their kindness , it’s admiration.

If you like someone for their money, it’s interest.

If you like someone through think and thick, it’s genuine commitment. If you love someone because they love you, it’s empathy.

If you love someone for the way they make you laugh, it’s humour based affection.

If like someone for their mind and their knowledge, it’s intellectual attraction.
Jun 16, 2024 7 tweets 1 min read

1. The person will be thoughtful and considerate about your needs, not just theirs

2. The person will seek to know who you are and celebrate who you are without wanting to impose change in you 3. The person will be consistent in treating you right

4. The person will not change how he/she treats you when you don’t give them what they want - sex, money, a meeting

5. The person will respect your boundaries
May 29, 2024 16 tweets 3 min read
Reasons Many of You can’t keep a decent relationship

A thread you will not like

1. Mentality-

There’s a raving mentality that has totally commercialized love and its nuances. It’s mostly sex for money & vice versa. With this mentality, men get bored & women get “used”. Still on mentality, if you don’t intentionally unlearn the extremely transactional beliefs of love that is widely accepted now, you will never be able to experience the beauty of being loved and loving as well. This is cos you might self sabotage even if someone real comes along
Apr 9, 2024 9 tweets 2 min read
9 reasons why a lot of you ignore the red flags.

A thread.

1. We let our feelings override our minds, as a result we focus more on what seems to be a potential and ignore what could be a deal breaker. 2. We badly want the relationship to work even on the expense of our happiness and we are afraid of being single or to start over.
Feb 18, 2024 5 tweets 1 min read
5 Phases of relationship (broken down from the 3phases I’ve written on before)

1. Attraction
Every couple experiences this phase. In this stage, you only focus on the good things and similarities between each other. You spend a lot of time together and imagine you are made for each other. You avoid fights and it seems that fight will never happen. 2. Reality
You start finding flaws in your partner. It doesn't mean that you don't love your partner but things are not beautiful as in the beginning. You start fighting and doubting if you're really in love. The spark in the relationship seems declining.
Feb 4, 2024 9 tweets 2 min read

What you love talking about are stories of others, often negative stories. Your husband looks at you and wonders, is there not something better to talk about?

A thread for when you're hungry... 2. THE PASSIVE IN BED ONE
You lay in bed, lifeless, wanting your husband to do all the work to seduce you. You make no moves on him and he is starting to feel drained because it is not two way.
Feb 3, 2024 8 tweets 2 min read

You should be adequately prepared before heading into marriage.When you jump into marriage without adequate preparations, you jump out of it sooner than expected.

A thread... Just because you love him/her isn’t enough criteria to get married. There are certain things you should discuss with your partner before saying “I do”.
Check them out below
Jan 29, 2024 10 tweets 2 min read
Dear Brother


Pls don’t read this thread when you’re angry because I don’t want anyone to find my address and beat me. I’m an elderly person and I don’t like problems biko.

Now read after eating rice & beans… 1) Be Sure of what You Want from her First.

It's very bad for a lady you are "toasting" to ask you exactly what you want, and you are stuttering, telling her you people should start first, start wetin first? Is it generator?
Jan 26, 2024 12 tweets 2 min read

1. Send little notes of love to each other through your children. Children love being messengers of love.

A thread for family oriented people. Read when you have money in your account… 2. Tell your children the unique story of how you met each other. Children love a good love story. Your love story is more important to them than what they see on TV.