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Nov 24, 2021 6 tweets 2 min read
Aug 23, 2020 13 tweets 3 min read
Today will be my final day on Twitter for a little while so that I can focus on some work related things. I hope before my absence I can say a few things that are clear and important to me: 1) Democracy is only as strong as those who hold it to account. I’m old enough to remember a world in which we weren’t a frog in boiling water, accepting every insane lie with a shrug and a roll of the eyes. Do not let the abnormal become normal.
Jul 31, 2020 7 tweets 2 min read
I don't want to do this. I'm on vacation, but frankly, I don't see an alternative. In 2016, misinformation helped elect a man with zero qualifications. 3 and a half years later, 150,000 Americans are unnecessarily dead because of his incompetence and our Democracy is hanging by a thread. The only way this would-be-Despot wins is if we all take his bait. He is once again, with the help of foreign assistance and his GOP cronies doing everything in his power to play on irrational and unsubstantiated fears like mail-in-ballot fraud, even though he and
Jul 4, 2020 4 tweets 2 min read
We now need to talk about @Lin_Manuel who is an unantural talent. I don’t know that I’ve ever left a theater so genuinely shaken by the level of writing I’d just witnessed. It was what I imagined people felt when they first saw Hamlet in 1603. To have a musical filled with over Two and a half hours of lyrics and have ever single one of the words not only land to utter perfection but transcend the cultural zeitgeist to become more than a Broadway musical but a part of our everyday vernacular is something I’ve frankly never really witnessed or imagined
Jul 2, 2020 12 tweets 7 min read
#HamiltonFilm a thread. The first time I saw #Hamilton on stage at the #PublicTheater I knew absolutely nothing about what I was in for. My college classmate @leslieodomjr had told me briefly over the years that he was working on something with @Lin_Manuel that was unlike Anything else that had ever been done. The stage is a resoivoir for overhyped products, so I didn’t quite know what to expect other than an explosion of talent based on the cast involved I already knew. The lights lowered, I put my playbill aside and at intermission turned to
Aug 28, 2019 15 tweets 3 min read
Thread- I don’t want to be the guy always shouting at the top of his lungs about the same thing. Life is too short. So this (I’m hoping) will be the last time I try to put into words how I feel about the current political situation we are in and reach out to those of you content With where things are right now in our country. So here we go. I know some of you wanted and hoped to throw the whole system out and see what happened if we disrupted political norms and elected a “guy who says it like it is” and in a weird way, I guess I even understand
Feb 24, 2018 38 tweets 19 min read
As I end my first day of my 37th year, here are the things and moments that have defined me: 1) My mother being kind enough to birth me. I was supposed to be the girl. Jennifer. Suffice it to say, that didn’t work out.
Feb 15, 2018 7 tweets 1 min read
1) Thread - I have said everything I care to say about the massacre in FL. I have walked the halls of Stoneman Douglass. I directly know a person trying to pick up the shattered pieces of his life now. I call this community my own. 2) I think all of us know in our hearts something is terribly wrong with the weekly rate of these incidents. I will not lecture any of you on what to believe of how to respond. I will only tell you what I am going to do.