Josh Mobley Music ⚡️ Profile picture
Sound design work Featured by Apple. Wechat, Darkroom, Heads up! Clear • Award winning composer: BMG, Sony, etc Threads:
Feb 25, 2022 4 tweets 2 min read
Songwriting Tip:

Don't throw anything away, Bounce everything down and tag the audio with one of four tags: Fragment, Ideas, Riff, Bin.

Fragment: a section where the idea is there
Ideas: good song starts
Riff: bass lines, guitar riffs etc
Bin: discarded ideas
#songwriting Image Once you've tagged a lot of stuff, you will discover you have WAY more good ideas than you ever thought you had. You just select one of the tags on the sidebar and with Quickview, easily go through and listen to a bunch of music you created.