Josh Ruebner Profile picture
Policy Director @imeupolicy. Adjunct @Georgetown. Aspiring PhD @UniofExeter. Policy nerd. I read books & write some:
3 subscribers
Feb 5 9 tweets 2 min read
🧵I'm seeing a lot of ill-informed chatter about how unrealistic Trump's plan is to commit ethnic cleansing and forcibly displace more than 2 million Palestinians from Gaza.

This is a very real possibility that must be taken with the utmost seriousness. Here's why. 2. Let's remember a few things: early on in the genocide, the Israeli Intelligence Ministry prepared a plan to ethnically cleanse all Palestinians from Gaza to the Sinai desert.
May 15, 2024 12 tweets 3 min read
🧵Today is #NakbaDay. 76 years since Israel's dispossession of the Palestinian people began. As part of my PhD research, I uncovered bombshell documents from the US Consulate in Jerusalem showing just how much the US knew about the Nakba as it unfolded.…
Dec 11, 2023 5 tweets 2 min read
75 years ago today, the UN passed a resolution supporting Palestinian refugees' right to return home. The US voted for it but never forced Israel to implement the resolution. For 75 years, Palestinian refugees have been denied this elemental right. 🧵… Today, the Biden admin is a partner in crime with Israel as it has killed at least 18,000 Palestinians, destroyed more than half of the houses in Gaza, and forcibly displaced 85% of Palestinians, creating a humanitarian catastrophe in many respsects even worse than in 1948. 2/
Dec 16, 2022 4 tweets 2 min read
🧵Reading the archives of the US Embassy in Jordan today, I came across this heart-breaking account:

On Nov. 2, 1950, an Israeli soldier executed two Palestinian refugee children, Ali Elayan, aged 12, and Fakhriyeh Elayan, aged 10, from the village of Yalu. 1/ The children were out gathering wood when soldiers crossed the no-man's land separating Israel from Jordan and grabbed the children, took them into the no-man's land, and shot them in cold blood while their father witnessed the terrible deed from a nearby hilltop. 2/
Nov 29, 2022 14 tweets 5 min read
🧵 75 years ago today, the United Nations recommended partitioning #Palestine against the wishes of its majority indigenous Palestinian population for the benefit of a minority settler-colonial movement. This injustice violated Palestinians' right to self-determination. 1/ Even Dr. Ralph Bunche, who wrote the partition plan, was "not all satisfied with my scheme" but believed it was a "reasonable and workable compromise." But was it really reasonable, workable, or just?

Source: Brian Urquhart, Ralph Bunche: An American Odyssey, pp. 149-150. 2/
Oct 27, 2022 13 tweets 5 min read
🧵I recently saw a list of the best books on the so-called "Israeli-Palestinian conflict" compiled by a prominent academic. It didn't contain A SINGLE BOOK written by a Palestinian academic. This made me 😠 so here's a list of 10 great books by Palestinian academics you should📖: 1. Nur Masalha's Palestine: A Four Thousand Year History is a beautifully researched and written account of the millennia-old reality of Palestine as a geo-political idea, and a rich cultural and religious history showcasing Palestine's diversity.…
May 15, 2022 9 tweets 3 min read
🧵Today marks #Nakba74. 74 years since Israel's dispossession of the Palestinian people began. In @MiddleEastInst, I uncover bombshell documents from the US Consulate in Jerusalem showing the extent to which the US knew about the #Nakba as it unfolded. 1/… The US suspected that the Jewish State called for in the UN partition plan would not be content with those borders and would be expansionist in nature. 2/
Mar 17, 2020 4 tweets 2 min read
Yes! @RepRoKhanna & 60+ Representatives call for US to investigate Israel's violation of the Arms Export Control Act in demolishing Palestinian homes.

This. Is. Historic.

Finally, the possibility of Israel being held accountable.
1/… .@RepRoKhanna: "Military equipment should not be used to turn Palestinian homes into rubble, displace families, and tear apart communities." 2/
Sep 27, 2019 6 tweets 1 min read
It has come to my attention that the Israeli government has published my name and picture in its report equating advocacy for Palestinian rights with antisemitism. I think it is important to follow @AliAbunimah's example in this article and share just how ludicrous the supposed examples of anti-Jewish bigotry are in this report to illustrate just how shabby and unconvincing it is.…
Feb 5, 2019 4 tweets 6 min read
🚨🚨🚨 Bam. Just like that the Senate votes 77-23 to trample on the First Amendment by encouraging states to punish individuals who boycott for Palestinian freedom, justice, and equality. Below are the 23 Senators who opposed. Please RT to thank them. 1. @SenatorBaldwin
2. @SenBooker
3. @SenSherrodBrown
4. @SenatorCarper
5. @SenatorDurbin