JoBeth Hamon 🚲🚌 Profile picture
I have resting bicycle face. 🚲🚲🚲🚲 OKC City Councilwoman, Ward 6. she/her
Aug 19, 2024 • 6 tweets • 2 min read
FWIW, I’ll be voting no on this. I did vote to send it to a ballot, which I somewhat regret not making this more of a conversation at the time, but after thinking on it more, the way this came to Council felt rushed and not very thoughtful. We weren’t presented much data at all about how much of this tax is actually collected from visitors vs residents of OKC who, due to housing insecurity, are living in motels (although I’m not sure there even is a good way to get that info, tbh).
Oct 4, 2022 • 10 tweets • 2 min read
While I'm sure most folks can assume my thoughts & feelings about the recent incident of OKCPD officers shooting someone threatening suicide & I have become hesitant to make statements about these things bc of the abuse often hurled my way, I feel the need to say a few things... We leave many of our institutions related to health, well-being, & connection defunded - which then leads to crisis situations we react to with calls for more police to address crises they are not equipped to address. While I don't know this individual's specific circumstance...
May 4, 2022 • 4 tweets • 1 min read
Curious to know where all those “bodily autonomy” folks shouting “freedom” at the Council meeting last August are in this conversation.
Or maybe they’re ready to admit that for many, it was never about freedom but more about who is/isn’t subject to control by the state. Cause here’s the thing - living in this country many shout “FREEDOM” when they are told they’ll be subject to a rule that is supposed to be about addressing harms to others or themselves.
Aug 24, 2019 • 10 tweets • 2 min read
With the announcement of the proposed #MAPS4 package for consideration by Council at Tuesday's meeting, I feel compelled to share my thoughts and where my head is and has been during this process. I ran my campaign for City Council w/ the core value that caring for our most vulnerable neighbors creates a community that works better for everyone. Robust transit gets people to work, healthcare, groceries, & entertainment...