Josu San Martin Profile picture
Co-founder at Sixtant, delta-neutral algo trading and market making firm. Byzantine fault tolerant. #bitcoin josu.eth
May 16, 2022 5 tweets 1 min read
I tried to buy some calls with Interactive Brokers. Horrible UX. These were some of the obstacles in order:

1. It complained I wasn't authorized to trade options.
2. I had no USD (I deposited EUR)
3. Tried to convert 1k EUR to USD, it failed; quoted wrong and I was 2€ short. 4. Authorized and USD balance. I try to purchase the calls, but apparently the EUR<>USD trade needs to be settled.

I guess I have to wait for the 1k trade to settle, because the credit risk is just too high for them to take.

I'm going back to crypto.
Apr 7, 2019 21 tweets 8 min read
What happened to the US Monetary Base after the 2008 financial crisis just seems wrong.

Time it took to 5x the MB:

1983 - 2008 => 25 years (From 170 to 850)

2008 - 2014 => 6 years (From 850 to 4150)

(Thread) Where did all these money go? Probably here: