Alexandra Stevenson Profile picture
@nytimes correspondent in Hong Kong. Got a tip? GPG🔑: 2E59 A14F 698F EBBA
Aug 12, 2020 6 tweets 4 min read
From the street crowded with beach goers, the 4 fl apartment looks like a concrete bunker. But from higher ground, the views of Hong Kong’s southern coast are sweeping. The daughter of the CCP's No. 3 leader bought the $15m beach house at the age of 31 1/6 She's not the only red elite w/ enviable real estate. Three top leaders of the CCP have relatives who own assets in Hong Kong, including more than $51 million in luxury real estate. Here's a picture of that beach house in Hong Kong. 2/6 Image
May 31, 2020 7 tweets 2 min read
You might have notice that biz in Hong Kong is silent about China's encroaching grip. That's because they are being forced to take a side. MNCs that don't toe the line are bullied. Workers who don't show loyalty face job loss. Some examples... 1/7 Employees of at least two Chinese banks in Hong Kong were told to sign an online petition this week supporting Beijing's controversial security law for HK. They were told to screenshot proof for senior management. Some did so under pressure even though they didn't support it 2/7
Mar 19, 2020 7 tweets 2 min read
Going through my dad's reporter notebooks from his first trip to China in 1954, when it was newly Communist and closed off to the world. I'd like to share some thoughts. Most jarring is the sudden reality that his prospects for reporting in China were better than mine today.. 1/7 His observations reveal the early days of mass propaganda on a scale the world had never seen before. There was the official who proudly talked about the Communist Party’s view of information as a “battlefield of the mind”... 2
Jul 22, 2019 7 tweets 3 min read
Hong Kong is one of the most unequal places to live in the world. Anger over China’s influence in everyday life has fueled the protests but there is an undercurrent of deep anxiety over people’s economic fortunes — and fears that it will only get worse 1/7 When protesters complain that the govt isn’t listening, this has been a long time coming. Rents in HK are higher than NY, London or SF for apts half the size. Nearly 1 in 5 people live in poverty. Min wage is $4.82/hr. The govt favors private development over public housing
Jun 12, 2019 7 tweets 3 min read
Clouds of tear gas hang in the air in Hong Kong's main biz district. Police have fired off several rounds to push back protesters who keep charging at the Legislative Council Complex. It's crazy to think of this place as a financial center right now. Feels like a combat zone This is Hong Kong right now. After firing tear gas simultaneously from both sides of the crowd the police shot into the crowd. They now made a major advance pushing protesters away from Admiralty.
May 3, 2019 5 tweets 3 min read
'Hard work' is what one Chinese woman says got her to Stanford. But her parents also paid $6.5m to a consultant. It's a story about money and greed. But also the lengths that some Chinese parents will go. w/ @katetaylornyt @ChuBailiang @jennymedina "Some people think, ‘Didn’t you get into Stanford because your family is rich?’” It wasn’t like that, she says. The admissions officers “have no idea who you are.” But there are dozens of companies selling access & claiming to have an "in" with admissions at top US universities