jptheberge 🇦🇷🇺🇸 Profile picture
Multilingual social scientist, cultural expert, market researcher. Pro smart growth & conservation. Founder @culturaledge @growsandiegoway 2x 🌎 champ triathlon
Jun 1, 2021 25 tweets 15 min read
ALERT: Contrary to industry-sponsored #AB1139, research shows local solar + storage (rooftops, schools, etc.) can save US $473B and create 2M more jobs by 2050. It is the *most* cost-effective & equitable way to reach our climate goals. 1️⃣ @drvolts… 2️⃣ Growth in local solar/storage can bring prices down because:

👉 reduces distribution/transmission costs (more electricity is generated, stored locally) = grid resilience.

👉 reduces the need for power plants that only run during peak periods (instead of gas/coal plants).
May 12, 2021 8 tweets 5 min read
1️⃣ And just like that, @blackstone becomes one of largest landlords in San Diego. 6700 market rate apts. @leilanifarha & @Aaron_Glantz warned us about this. Business model is increasing rents, evicting poor tenants. Not your mom and pop landlord. THREAD… 2️⃣ Study by the @AtlantaFed showed that institutional landlords are much more likely to evict and spatially concentrated in predominantly Black areas. 2/…
Nov 10, 2020 7 tweets 4 min read
The @DNC has been lucky with Latinos in spite of their lack of strategy and minimal attention to the nation’s second largest voter block. They’ve left a lot of votes on the table by not doing more to understand the diversity / breadth of the community. 1/… For example, Miami’s political establishment descends directly from Cubans exiled during the overthrow of Batista during the Cuban revolution (late 50s). Then, the failed Bay of Pigs invasion, blamed on Kennedy, cemented their status as Republicans. 2/…