Jon Whitehead Profile picture
Attorney. Mostly charities and religious groups in litigation. Some #legaltech.
Jun 5 11 tweets 3 min read
Keith Meyer explains his understanding of the ARITF report. Which is helpful, because I think the report leaves a lot of holes to be filled in -- a 🧵 1. Recommendation 1 is a mess. "Affirm the objectives in this report" - The addendum? Supplement 1? The creation of Ministrycheck at ARC?

If they want messengers' opinions (a backdoor resolution) on 3 goals, that's different than affirming all objectives in the report.
Dec 8, 2023 16 tweets 5 min read
Astounding. Gather round for a little SBC history, to understand just how much Russell Moore has deconstructed. 🧵 In the 80s, the SBC’s “DC” work was performed by the Baptist Joint Committee. BJC was run by nine Baptist denominations, but mostly funded by the SBC. It was led by attorney James Dunn.
Sep 11, 2023 16 tweets 3 min read
A thread on how the SBC cooperation committee seems set to undermine abuse reform: 1/ Abuse reform advocates have long asked the SBC to acknowledge the power imbalance between pastors and members.

What pastors commonly write off as "adultery," is in fact an abuse of a position of trust. That's why some states have criminalized clergy/member sex. 2/