James Saryerwinnie Profile picture
Software engineer at AWS. Python SDK (boto3/botocore), AWS CLI. Creator of AWS Chalice. jamesls on GitHub. Opinions my own.
Aug 7, 2020 4 tweets 1 min read
I've had a few questions about AWS CLI aliases, so here's the gist of how they work. 1. Create an ~/.aws/cli/alias file 2. Add a [toplevel] section 3. Entries are "my-command = service operation --other-params" For example, "account-id = sts get-caller-identity --query Account --output text". Now you can run "aws account-id" You can create aliases that shell out by starting the alias definition with "!", for example "say-hi = !echo hey there".
Dec 4, 2018 5 tweets 2 min read
Sometimes a "mv" of a large file (> 1GB) in the same directory takes a long time on linux. Sometimes it doesn't. Why is that? Ok, more info: gist.github.com/jamesls/9d52c7… Current theory is something is forcing rename() to wait on IO but I don't know why.