JT English Profile picture
Husband to @macyenglish & dad to 2 awesome kids. Pastor @StorylineArvada, co-host @knowingFaithPod, author of Deep Discipleship.
Jul 8, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
There is a more pressing issue than sermon length, which lots of people are talking about today.

The more pressing issue is that churches must retrieve active learning environments.

The move to a community driven model has not worked and we are reaping what we sowed. I believe in community groups, but they over promise and under deliver. They are really good at building community, and that’s about it.

We are facing a crisis in bible/theological illiteracy that community groups can’t fix.

We don’t need an either or approach but both and.
May 13, 2019 8 tweets 1 min read
One of the concerning trends in evangelical theology over the past few years:

Broadening and redefining orthodox Trinitarian theology that has been established since the 4th century. While at the same time demanding strict rigidity in the application of secondary issues.