Dud{man,Lab}🇺🇦 Profile picture
currently masked : husband, father, neuroscientist, senior group leader at @HHMIJanelia @HHMINEWS, beard enthusiast, ipa sampler, he|him
Oct 17, 2018 25 tweets 9 min read
A natural history of dopamine; a thread on @fluketc paper goo.gl/yLnoJr : Dopamine is critical for novel learning. Pioneering work developed methods to record from dopamine neurons. However, recordings come from animals re-learning, rather than learning anew. Why? Well, these recordings are very hard, but easier in trained animals. @fluketc came up with an elegant alternative approach to capture activity of dopamine neurons during novel learning. What we saw is the story of his recent paper in @NatureNeuro out now rdcu.be/9i8Q