Julia MacDonald Profile picture
Actionable tactics to grow your business. The 8-Figure Coach. Helped 150+ CEOs scale. Left banking 💰 for startups 👩‍💻 | Founder: AI for Supply Chain Tech
9 subscribers
Apr 28, 2023 12 tweets 3 min read
The single most powerful hack for personal growth.

The Feynman Technique.

CEOs and Nobel Laureates rely on it to 10x their learning.

Learn it in 3min, use it forever🧵: Image Richard Feynman got his Nobel Prize for quantum electrodynamics.

Yet, he is widely known for his Learning Technique.

It allows you to learn 10x faster.

Let’s dive in.👇
Mar 10, 2023 13 tweets 22 min read
The single most powerful habit for your career.

Daily Learning.

11 must-follow twitter accounts to 2x, 5x, or even 10x your growth. 🔹 Antonio @theantonioreza

Understanding macroeconomic trends is key for any leader.

Antonio makes these complex concepts simple.

You won't forget it, if you understand it.

Feb 24, 2023 10 tweets 2 min read
The best way to stand out in your job interview:

Ask great questions.

Here are 7 questions that helped me land jobs at McKinsey and Deloitte🧵: 🔹 How is success measured in this role?

Showcase your past successes using the metrics the recruiter mentions.

This is also a great way to understand if the job advertised will match your day-to-day responsibilities.
Feb 10, 2023 10 tweets 2 min read
You don't get what is “fair”.

You get what you negotiate.

I’ve been negotiating $10M+ deals for 15 years.

Here are 7 little-known strategies to become a world-class negotiator🧵: 🔹The "Yes Ladder”

• Start with small requests
• Get 2-3 easy “yeses”
• Scale up from there


Get the other party to agree to meet you at the time and place you suggest.
Feb 3, 2023 10 tweets 2 min read
Hard skills get you a job.

Soft skills make you a leader.

7 key soft skills that will accelerate your leadership career🧵: Conflict Resolution:

• Practice active listening
• Try to get “win-win” outcomes
• Use "I" statements to express feelings
Jan 27, 2023 11 tweets 2 min read
10 years ago, I applied for my dream job at McKinsey.

I was crushed when my application was rejected. 100+ hours spent preparing - no interview invite.

But 4 weeks later, they offered me the job.

Here’s how I landed a role at the most powerful consulting firm in the world🧵: Rejected.

I re-read the answer. It’s still the same.

McKinsey rejected me.

Countless hours spent preparing. No interview.

I’m devastated.

But I don't give up👇
Jan 20, 2023 10 tweets 4 min read
I made Chat GPT my Virtual Assistant

It’s saving me 5 hours every week.

Here’s how👇: Research Assistance

Chat GPT is the fastest way to learn about an industry.

I use it to prepare for startup advisory calls.

• Start with a broad question
• Narrow down as you go
• Validate online in 3m

Time saved 1.5h / week.
Jan 5, 2023 12 tweets 6 min read
I was an MBA Admissions Recruiter at Cal Berkeley from 2015 to 2017.

98% of my decisions I made within the first 8 minutes.

Here’s a simple 3-step process that will guarantee you stand out during any interview🧵: Before we dive in, hear me out:

Recruiters have no time to waste.

They need to make a decision and move on.

If you want the job, you have to stand out. Get noticed.

Not for the most colourful resume. Not for following up 10 times.

For being the best.
Dec 16, 2022 11 tweets 3 min read
At McKinsey, we charged $400k+ per presentation.

Here’s the simple 7-step framework we used (steal it for free)🧵: McKinsey is paid to solve complex problems.

They created a process that helps find solutions:

The Hypothesis-Driven Framework.

Let’s dive in.👇
Dec 9, 2022 10 tweets 6 min read
Reese Witherspoon built a $900M business using one simple yet brilliant strategy:

The Storytelling Funnel.

Nothing is more powerful (or lucrative) than the right story…

Here’s a quick breakdown so you can use it too: Start with a Podcast

Cavemen told stories by the fire. It helped build trust and establish a tribe.

Podcast is the modern version.

Reese started with a team of podcast storytellers.

They talked to women about:
• Love
• Self-care
• Motherhood

Want to know the best part?
Nov 22, 2022 15 tweets 4 min read
Alex Hormozi made over $100M by age 31.

Here’s his little-known sales technique, which will 3x, 5x or even 10x your sales overnight.

🧵 Image Alex believes selling shouldn’t be a struggle.

The goal isn't to persuade somebody to buy.

It’s to help them make a decision.

His CLOSER technique turns sales into a dialogue.
Nov 3, 2022 11 tweets 3 min read
The most important skill to grow your business:

Delegating effectively.

But 97% of entrepreneurs never learn it.

I have been leading teams for 15 years. Here is a simple process to avoid delegation disasters and 10x your business growth🧵: Here is what you need to do:

1. Choose the right person
2. Prepare the 8-part Delegation Package
3. Don't take the problem
4. Praise and encourage

Let's dive in 👇
Sep 29, 2022 8 tweets 2 min read
Top CEOs sell their companies for $10,000,000+

I’ve spent 14 years studying them.

Here is the #1 skill that all CEO's have (and how to develop it in 7 days)

🧵 The #1 CEO Skill:



Top Performers protect their boundaries ruthlessly

To say "Yes” to what you want, you need to first say “No” to the rest

5 dead-simple steps to develop Assertiveness in 7 days 👇
Sep 1, 2022 7 tweets 2 min read
McKinsey consultants get paid $1000+ / hour.

I spent over 1500 hours working with them

Here are their 5 communication secrets that will 2x, 5x, or even 10x your hourly rate overnight. Image The Framework Principle

Summarize everything you say into a framework:

❌ “This is a great solution because of x and it will do y and z… ”
✅ “There are 3 things this solution will enable: x,y,z”

This takes time to learn, but the impact is huge.
Aug 8, 2022 6 tweets 2 min read
4 Product Marketing secrets that are guaranteed to 10x your sales almost overnight 🧵 If you want to sell your product STOP TALKING ABOUT IT.

Customers don’t care.

Instead, talk about:

• how you can solve their problem
• why you’re qualified
• what transformation is on offer 🚀