Julia Bacha Profile picture
Filmmaker and Creative Director at @JustVisionMedia. Guggenheim Fellow and Peabody Award winner. Most recently, @TheBoycottFilm (streaming now).
Oct 30, 2023 9 tweets 4 min read
The attempt to conflate advocacy for Palestinian rights with anti-semitism is on steroids right now but it is very far from being a new phenomenon. Don't let anyone tell you that the doxxing of Palestinian students on campuses, the cancellation of multiple events, and the firing of writers sympathetic to the Palestinian cause and of public servants refusing to give away their freedom of speech is simply a reaction to what's unfolding in the region. The effort to completely shut down the conversation regarding Israel's crimes was well under way before October 7. The anti-boycott law that exists in 34 states in America is but one example of this reality. 🧵
Here's the background: in most of America today, you have to pledge not to boycott Israel (or territories controlled by Israel) to keep your government contract. If you refuse, you are fired. Versions of this law now exist in 34 states. legislation.palestinelegal.org
Oct 20, 2023 66 tweets 18 min read
In times like this, I remind myself to "look for the helpers," people of conscience who refuse to go along with the warmongering, despite the personal cost. Here are some of them. 🧵
Jan 19, 2023 11 tweets 3 min read
The Supreme Court requested a response from the State of Arkansas regarding the ACLU's petition challenging the state's anti-boycott law. Arkansas replied yesterday. At stake is a civil rights era precedent protecting the right to boycott, NAACP v Claiborne. 🧵 In that historic case, SCOTUS ruled unanimously that “the right of the States to regulate economic activity cannot justify a complete prohibition against a nonviolent, politically motivated boycott designed to force governmental and economic change.” supreme.justia.com/cases/federal/…
Oct 20, 2022 16 tweets 6 min read
Breaking: @ACLU petitions the Supreme Court to hear the case of Alan Leveritt, Publisher of @ArkTimes & @TheBoycottFilm protagonist. Alan refused to sign the anti-boycott pledge in defense of freedom of the press. Alan explains why on this clip from the film. #righttoboycott The case centers around Arkansas's anti-boycott law that requires public contractors to sign a pledge promising that they do not boycott Israel. Our team @JustVisionMedia has been tracking these bills for several years. justvision.org/boycott/synops…
Sep 22, 2022 18 tweets 6 min read
BREAKING: A handful of Arizona State Legislators are terrified that their colleagues may watch a film this afternoon about the direct impact anti-boycott laws have had on Americans right to free speech. Why is that? 🧵 @TheBoycottFilm centers around a law that requires public contractors sign a pledge promising that they do not boycott Israel. If you refuse to sign the pro-Israel pledge, you are fired from your job. Versions of this law now exist in 33 states. legislation.palestinelegal.org
Jun 22, 2022 16 tweets 5 min read
Breaking news: The Eighth Circuit Court of Appeals ruled today that boycotts are not protected by the First Amendment. @ACLU has confirmed it'll take the case to the Supreme Court, with huge implications for free speech in America.🧵 The case centers around a law that requires public contractors to sign a pledge promising that they do not boycott Israel. If you refuse to sign the pro-Israel pledge, you are fired from your job. Versions of this law now exist in 33 states. legislation.palestinelegal.org
Mar 18, 2022 10 tweets 5 min read
The @nytimes managed to run a massive editorial allegedly dissecting free speech issues ailing our country and completely missed Americans actually losing their livelihoods over political speech that the governments doesn't like, i.e. advocating for Palestinian human rights. You want some big numbers? 232 bills have been introduced attempting to criminalize or punish Americans engaged in advocacy for Palestinian human rights. 33 states, including liberal NY and California, have laws in the books TODAY. legislation.palestinelegal.org