Julia Turner Profile picture
Deputy Managing Editor @latimes, overseeing its culture section and entertainment biz coverage. Also its podcasts. Former EIC @Slate. Cohost @slatecultfest.
Feb 21, 2021 6 tweets 2 min read
The Golden Globes recently scored a lucrative new contract with NBC.

Now, a number of voting members are accusing the non-profit group that runs the awards of self-dealing and ethical lapses, including $2M in annual payments to members themselves.

latimes.com/entertainment-… Among the details here:

* The non-profit has set up a proliferating number of committees that pay members hefty monthly fees (archives, $2,200 a month; history, $1,000 a month; travel, $2,310 a month, and payments continued through the pandemic despite the pause in travel).