Julio Gonzalez Altamirano Profile picture
I tweet about Austin public policy, elected officials, and civil society.
Sep 30, 2021 9 tweets 3 min read
Save Austin Now's open letter to Austin firefighters makes several glaring budget errors as they make a desperate case that Proposition A won't have a noticeable budget impact. Let's review and correct them: SAN includes City _enterprises_ (e.g. the $2.2B for Austin Energy & Austin Water) in its account of the "city budget". Helps minimize the percentage represented by Prop A costs but is misleading bc those enterprises focus funds on their business activities not general services.
Nov 27, 2018 5 tweets 3 min read
@JackCraver One thing I find interesting is that folks really focus on defending the viability of bus ART by focusing on the "autonomous" part and kinda gloss over the actual Game Changing™ theorized aspect of that mode, which is the high-proximity "platooning" to match rail's capacity. @JackCraver Another thing I find interesting is that the PC/MCAC docs have some cost estimates that really make even the Orange Line (and also Blue Line) seem way premature for HCT. This is for the north GL stretch and LRT and BRT are quite likely to decrease system O&M productivity.