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★ making games in c ★ he/him/they ★ pfp @linesharkart
Sep 23, 2022 12 tweets 6 min read
1/ Everybody told me they liked the last thread about simple effects in Pinni, so why not another one?

Customizable transition shaders in less than 4 lines 🧵:
#gamedev #tutorial #shader #hlsl #madewithunity 2/ Once again starting from a basic fragment shader. This will work in ANY engine, but we're using GLSL for simplicity.

Here's our base texture:
Sep 16, 2022 14 tweets 6 min read
1/ Have been asked about the Pinni distortion effect quite a few times, so thought I'd explain how it works.

One of my fave effects, displacement maps 🧵:
#gamedev #tutorial #shader #hlsl 2/ Going to start with a basic texture from Pinni to demonstrate each step.

The shader can work in any game engine; in Pinni we use Unity's awful shaders language, but for readability I'll be using HLSL. ImageImage
Jul 16, 2022 13 tweets 6 min read
1/ Are you an indie dev tired of supporting a proprietary game engine with immoral business practices?

Open source game engines, a 🧵: 2/ Godot has 50.8k stars on Github for all of the right reasons.

If you use Unity for 2D, Godot's workflow will feel right at home, and supports C# as well as their own python-like language.

(also, it was used on Sonic Colors?!?) ImageImage