| i wear my heart on my sleeve |Bipolar|Mathematician|Tech|JCole|Politics|History|PanAfricanist|Omnist|
Apr 12, 2022 • 6 tweets • 1 min read
Music journalism has been my job for over 12 years and I believe everyone reading this knows that. My only regret is not putting my article in the right platform over the years, something I won’t forgive myself for and I get sad everyday for not having enough audience.
Someone said “music journalism is simply finding a thousand ways of saying good and also catchy”. Another said it was “finding thousand ways to insult an album or just rolling stone”.
Aug 6, 2020 • 11 tweets • 3 min read
My political mentor who is also the LAST African leader to walk the face of the earth, Late President Thomas Sankara said something about imperialism..
I’m a Marxist/Socialist and a Pan-Africanist just like the African Che Guevara(#ThomasSankara) and I can boldly say that the present day African leaders have failed us..
Should I say that’s because they’re not enlightened or educated enough?