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Mom❤️Writer ❤️ Conservative Rage Curator @twitchyteam 🔥 Subscribe for $2. I follow back Subscribers ❤️Hating me won’t make you pretty 🐊
Mar 2 • 22 tweets • 5 min read
Sharing some of my hard earned wisdoms about being a step-mom for those interested. When my second husband and I married, I had a 5 years old boy, he had a 15 year old and 10 year old (both daughters) and we had one together 11 months after we married. We dated for a short time but had known each other from church for about five years. 1. let the biological parent do all of the disciplining. Your role as step parent should be simply ensuring children remain safe if their biological parent is not around. If their biological parent is not around frequently, they should be with their other biological parent. Do not take on parenting responsibilities.
Feb 1 • 14 tweets • 3 min read
Nursing is so wild to me now. This shift started at 7pm. Nurse visited my Mom for the first time at 9:15 and was here about 5 minutes. She’s nice and listened to my Mom’s heart and lungs. My mom has on telemetry so we know her heart is fine. At 11:00 pm, the Nurse Asst came in and did vitals. That’s in 4 hours. This is how it was the other nights too but I was way more annoyed because she was in pain and they were not managing it. Today, she is just still in for IV antibiotics so I can manage all her needs (except getting cups of ice). I’ve had to be here non stop since Wednesday
Jan 28 • 11 tweets • 2 min read
If anyone watched Yellowstone, you TOTALLY get what these legislators in Florida are doing. John Dutton made Casey Dutton the Livestock Commissioner and he was able to deputize all his cattle friends and then they could overlook a whole bunch of illegal stuff. We cheered for it watching the show because we all liked Casey and wanted him to keep his land and fight back against the evil developers. We also saw Casey do a whole bunch of shady things with his power. In the case of Florida, it’s ALMOST the same thing.
Jan 19 • 14 tweets • 4 min read
Here are some rules of etiquette I have seen young women break recently:

1. your bridal or baby shower should not be hosted by yourself or your mother. It can be hosted by your sister, a cousin, a friend or a group of people. It is considered rude for you or your mother to host your own bridal or baby shower. 2. if you are requesting people wear black tie to your event, your event must be a black tie level event. Buffets or cash bars are not black tie events. If you are having a black event, it must be a seated meal with an open bar at minimum.
Nov 19, 2024 • 4 tweets • 1 min read
Not to be crass, but if a woman is wearing a romper, she may be completely nude using the restroom.

if a woman leaks, she may be removing panties and rinsing them in the sink before wrapping them in paper towel to keep in her purse

if a woman uses a menstrual cup, she may be rinsing it before inserting it back in her body.

A young woman new to tampons, may be struggling with inserting it away from home.

Many women also suffer from extreme “tummy issues” during their period.

Some women have such extreme periods, it causes them to vomit. Same with women suffering nausea during pregnancy

Lots of women are inserting a foreign object inside of themselves during their period.

Many women are tending to personal hygiene like fixing their hair or makeup.

Many women breastfeed in the restroom because if they don’t, some weird man will ogle them or accuse them of indecency.

Women don’t want to do any of these activities with a man in the room. No matter how much a man who has decided he is now a “woman”, has surgeries, hair removal and wears makeup or a wig, they’ll never understand restroom needs actual women will experience
Oct 13, 2024 • 8 tweets • 2 min read
Unpopular Opinion: the world would be much better if grandparents lived by their actual grandkids and helped their kids manage the parenting load. Marriages would be more healthy, kids more attended to, and people
would have more kids because they had help. Then, when they are very old, their kids reciprocate and care for them back because there are bonds and relationship. people ask me how I reared such good
kids (particularly as a single parent) and the number one reason was my family. My Dad was a tremendous example to my son and spent every single day pouring into him. My daughter has a tight bond with me and her grandmother. She doesn’t want to disappoint us.
Nov 17, 2023 • 5 tweets • 1 min read
I really wanted to stop feeling like Trump is the anti-Christ and then y’all announce triumphantly you have traced Trump’s lineage to King David. Some of y’all have lost lost lost the plot
May 20, 2023 • 8 tweets • 3 min read
There absolutely was a hero. You can ask any First Responder in Florida who was reluctant to take the vax, and they’ll tell you @GovRonDeSantis is their hero. As will their Moms, like me. He saved their livelihoods. You can ask the nurses and the respiratory therapists like my friend Clint, a father of 8 children, who was told he would lose his job if he didn’t take the vax. Ron DeSantis stood up to his hospital system and they backed down and he was able to keep supporting his babies.
May 19, 2023 • 4 tweets • 1 min read
News job or new jobs? And they were bringing folks from California, not hiring Floridians. Also, the deal has been dead for months. I don’t expect Alyssa to be truthful ever, so par for the course. Which is why she never leaves comments on her posts open
May 1, 2023 • 4 tweets • 1 min read
Ron DeSantis has such fascist tendencies he said we didn’t have to wear masks, the beaches would stay open, kids needed to go to school, churches wouldn’t be forcefully closed by the government, parents have the right to see & help select what kids are learning, You aren’t required to take a vax to go to the movies or work and your medical privacy is your right, nursing homes can’t lock your loved ones away from you, your business can be opened, you have the right to decide where your kid goes to school, we don’t mutilate kids
May 1, 2023 • 5 tweets • 2 min read
May 1, 2023 • 6 tweets • 2 min read
Why didn’t Trump secure the border when he was the 45th POTUS? Why did he turn his WH over to Fauci? Why is he siding with businesses like Bud Lite & Disney over every day Americans? Why did he allow the riots of 2020 and cities burned while he tweeted LAW AND ORDER? If people “love him”, why have Republicans lost every election since 2016? You referenced the “70% of Americans think the country is going on the wrong direction” but failed to mention 60% don’t want Trump to run again.
Apr 30, 2023 • 4 tweets • 1 min read
Y’all tell me you support Trump because he’s “of the people”..he’s for the “common man”..then why do all his minions have to lie abt DeSantis? He cropped the dates because this is from 2022 when the CAMPAIGN RAN ADS on a website. You know those pop ups. Those. Obviously Daily Wire is a website lots of republicans read so a Republican wants to run campaign ads on those sites. Ask yourself why these people you follow and revere lack integrity. They know they are misleading people
Apr 6, 2023 • 4 tweets • 2 min read
Maybe Ronna and her team should craft messaging about abortion laws instead of just complaining we lose every election over abortion laws. We are the ProLife party. We’re supposed to explain our stance to Americans. Has Ronna reached out to leaders of Pregnancy Centers to help her? I have a relative here in Florida who runs 3 beautiful centers and it’s so wonderful to hear her discuss their work and their “Rookie Dad” program. Ask people in the trenches to help craft messaging.
Apr 6, 2023 • 6 tweets • 3 min read
The @RepThomasMassie endorsement of @GovRonDeSantis has really really exposed the crazy in folks. I sure hope Trump is paying all these folks as well as he pays AB35K to flush their credibility down the toilet You’re literally asking your readers and followers to suspend reality and forget they existed the last 3 years if you’re trying to sell the lie DeSantis was some lockdown Governor. We all have working memories. We know why people have moved to Florida in droves.
Apr 5, 2023 • 5 tweets • 1 min read
You can @ me sis. It was a public protest and pictures can be taken and shared in public spaces. The pictures were shared hours before a trans person shot babies in a school. That was terrible timing for your protest but that has nothing to do with who is sharing the photos. Doxxing is not putting pictures on the internet taken at a public protest on public property. Doxxing is sharing names and addresses of people without their consent. No one shared the name and address of anyone EXCEPT your pals who shared the personal info of Chels.
Apr 5, 2023 • 4 tweets • 2 min read
What Alex isn’t saying is Justice Kelly already lost once in 2020 when he helped Trump with “Stop the Steal”. He lost again because Dems ran an ad over and over again reminding voters of his former link to Trump. This is the ad Wisconsin Dems ran against Justice Kelly ensuring his big loss last night

Apr 5, 2023 • 6 tweets • 2 min read
Only fair to share GREAT news out of Wisconsin yesterday.

Background: in WI State Senate District 8, 2 GOP primary contenders were Janel Brandtjen (the Trump candidate) & Daniel Knodl. As usual, Dems tried to meddle in our primary & get Janel the win. It didn’t work! Knodl won… twitter.com/i/web/status/1… That win gave the GOP impeachment power in Wisconsin and a super majority. Running the candidate NOT endorsed by Trump and we WON!!!

Apr 5, 2023 • 4 tweets • 1 min read
If Wisconsin is your home state, why weren’t you out there as a Trump surrogate working your butt off to bring home a win over Democrats and stuff it in their faces? Oh, I forgot, you were too busy making memes about the very popular Governor in the state you live in now. Alex isn’t interested in beating Democrats and if this admission that Wisconsin is his home state and he didn’t mention this race over the last weeks, doesn’t prove it, I don’t know what will. He’d rather make another dumb Rob DeSanctus joke while he luxuriates in Florida.
Apr 4, 2023 • 4 tweets • 1 min read
This news conference isn’t doing Bragg any favors Bragg said he didn’t have to state the law 🤣🤣🤣
Apr 4, 2023 • 5 tweets • 2 min read
Pulse was not protected well. Pine Hills is a disaster because the Soros backed prosecutor doesn’t punish criminals. You know what is exactly the same about Pulse and Pine Hills? They’re both in Orlando, a town run by Val Demings’ husband and there is no law and order. Isn’t it crazy every big city run by Democrats is a mess? Orlando is my hometown. I was born in a hospital 2 blocks from Pulse. My first teaching job was in Pine Hills. It’s one of the only blue blots left in Florida and it’s no surprise, it’s a catastrophic disaster.