Dan Gocher Profile picture
Climate & kelpies. Views my own.
fido11111 Profile picture 1 subscribed
Jan 9, 2020 12 tweets 6 min read
I gather there has been a lot of talk about arson recently...

So let's talk about the real arsonists: Australia's carbon majors (via Climate Justice Project at @UNSW)

A thread... 1/n

#AustralianBushfires #AustraliaisBurning 1. @bhp plans to spend $US 8 billion on new oil & gas projects in the next 5 years, including off Western Australia. afr.com/companies/ener…
Mar 22, 2019 20 tweets 9 min read
On the eve of #NSWVotes2019, Australia’s coal industry paid for a 10-page special report in the @australian

I forked out the $3 so you didn’t have to, so here it is... 1/n Page 1, @MineralsCouncil CEO Tania Constable claims new coal fired power stations + CCS “have the potential to reduce emissions to almost zero”

Except it’s not happening anywhere
Mar 11, 2019 17 tweets 6 min read
It had to get pretty bleak to break a self-imposed twitter ban...

So here goes, a thread on how the fossil fuel lobby works in this country 1/n 2/ Last Thursday, the WA EPA *recommended* "offsets for proposals with direct emissions above 100,000 tonnes of carbon dioxide equivalent p.a."

The state govt can of course, choose to ignore it. epa.wa.gov.au/media-statemen…