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Asia entertainment editor @AP @APEntertainment. RTs & Likes don't mean endorsements. 미국 AP통신 기자. 리트윗은 별 의미가 없어요. ADHD🧠
Apr 14, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
“Choe recounted getting a massage from a masseuse he calls "Rose." He said he got an erection during his massage and began masturbating, despite Rose being visibly uncomfortable.” salon.com/2023/04/13/bee… “Choe then asked Rose for oil. When she poured it on him, he said he grabbed her hand and placed it on his penis. He asked her to spit on and kiss it, and she said no — twice.”
Apr 13, 2023 34 tweets 7 min read
There are lots of articles about the low birthrate in Korea. I will probably never have kids, and my reason is simple: I don’t want to go through what my parents went through. Like spending their salary on hagwon fees to nunchi game at work balancing long work hrs w child caring They spent a good chunk of their salary on various hagwons. Was it bc they were tiger mom and dad? Maybe. But if you went thru a Korean educational system, it’s hard to deny the importance of hagwon in your child’s education. Hagwon fees will knock off 1/3 of your monthly salary
Apr 2, 2023 9 tweets 3 min read
I listened to the entire @VICE podcast about @blobyblo and Tajinyeo. Some stuff that caught me by surprise.

1. His cousin Sam, who went to the same high school/college as Tablo, wrote scathing online comments about Tablo, possibly leading the public to doubt his credentials. 2. Basically Sam and Tablo both grew up in very competitive environment, which led them from a prestigious intl school to Stanford. Tablo claims Sam asked him how he got into Stanford bc Tablo wasn’t the typical studious type. Sam allegedly credited his recommendation.
Dec 26, 2022 7 tweets 3 min read
“준비됐어요? 반갑습니다, 마이앤트메리 입니다.” 진짜 컴백 실화냐ㅠ 평생 못 들을 줄 알았던 라이브… 중학생부터 서른을 앞둔 지금까지 꾸준히 들어왔던 밴드를 처음 맞이한 크리스마스 이브 저녁😭 (올해 컴백하심…). 아무튼 콘서트 이후로 계속 복습 중🥹🫶🏼 마이앤트메리 - 푸른 양철 스쿠터

이제 떠나는 거야 모두 던져 버리고
슬픈 이 도시를 가로질러 별빛 속으로
다시 빛나는 거야 지금 모습 그대로
차가운 현실 이룰 수 없던 그때의 우리

Sep 19, 2022 13 tweets 2 min read
최근 홍콩에서 친구가 놀러왔는데 한국말을 1도 모르는 친구와 다니며 근거리에서 갈라파고스화된 한국의 앱 문화를 직빵으로 경험함.

1. 알다시피 구글맵이 제대로 작동이 안되는 나라. 장소를 치면 지하철/버스는 나오지만 걸어서 가는 루트가 안뜸.
2. 카카오 맵 다운. 영어로 치면 장소 안나옴. 3. 영어 버전 지도에 영어로 치면 안나오는 경우가 많아서 일일히 한국어로 장소를 내가 문자로 보내서 ctrl+c+v해야함 지도로.
4. 카카오 택시에 해외카드가 등록이 안된다고 함. 택시탈때마다 내가 내 폰으로 불러줘야함
5. 도넛 살려고 했는데 현금 거절함. 해외 카드 수수료를 내고 굳이 사야함.
Sep 8, 2022 10 tweets 2 min read
청소년기 때부터 혼자 유학 생활을 한 내 친구들 중 지금 이십대 후반에 건강이 멀쩡한 얘가 없음 (나 포함…). 그래서 주변에 자녀 나홀로 유학 생각하는 분들께 강력히 비추하고 다님. 돌이켜보니 돌봄과 보호가 필요한 나이였음. 몸과 마음 둘 다. 보딩 스쿨 케바케이겠지만 내가 다닌 인종차별 심하고 음식 거지 같았던 학교에서 정크푸드에 손이 자연스레 가서 일년에 10-20키로 찌고 섭식장애 오는 일은 엄청 흔했고, 여러 호스트 패밀리와 살아봤는데 돈을 보고 데리고 있는 케이스가 꽤 있어서 살뜰한 케어는 커녕 서럽게 음식 가지고 차별함
Sep 6, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
“명절에 전 안 부쳐도 된다”라는 기사를 친척+가족 단톡방에 공유한다 vs 안한다 m.hani.co.kr/arti/well/news…
May 11, 2022 6 tweets 3 min read
Messages from BTS ARMY👇🏼
Some sides the public is unaware of. Abusive msgs from many ARMY fans come after I pointed out how BTS handpicked a song w the credit to Jung Bobby, a musician indicted w sex crimes, on their upcoming album, and how that might be inappropriate given the band’s efforts to promote anti-violence.
May 10, 2022 11 tweets 3 min read
Why is @BTS_twt working with a sex criminal musician Jung Bobby who went on trial for physical assault and illegal molka filming of women?
#10 #정바비 Media report about Jung Bobby’s crimes

Sep 22, 2021 8 tweets 2 min read
A Korean broadcaster played “Minari” for free over the holidays. I overheard a group of ajummas talking about how “lame” and “boring” the film was, and wondering how Youn had won the Oscars when “she just cried and barely spoke English.”

Made me think about my own gaze. I guess my point is not every struggle is universal and assuming any Asians would just automatically identify with characters in "Minari" might be a tad bit... (insert a word). And we should be careful about amplifying only certain reactions.