John Glaser Profile picture
Director of Foreign Policy Studies at the Cato Institute.
May 8, 2019 14 tweets 6 min read
The strategic rationale for the US military presence in the Persian Gulf region is very weak. Here's some scholarship explaining why. Glaser & Kelanic explain that the risks of major oil disruptions in the region are quite low, the costs of a permanent presence exceed the benefits, and we can withdraw while expanding the SPR to further insulate us from shocks.…
Aug 1, 2018 16 tweets 11 min read
This is an important piece from @onesarahjones pointing to the lack of a cogent foreign policy platform on the left and the dearth of DC foreign policy think tanks that can "supply them with ideas once they take office."… This is a real problem. The DC think tank world largely reflects the bipartisan foreign policy establishment & its preferences for endless globe-spanning US militarism. But the left's search for an alternative is overlooking the only consistently antiwar outfit in town