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Founder @truemedpayments, @kettleandfire, @drinksurely, others. Sign up for my newsletter on health and startups:
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Feb 16 15 tweets 4 min read
Why do the French eat cheese, butter, and drink wine—but still have lower rates of heart disease than Americans?

After some digging, I found out what was going on...

The “French Paradox”—explained: 🧵 Image
2/ Americans spend $10,000 per person annually on healthcare, more than any other nation on Earth.

Meanwhile, the French spend far less while consuming "dangerous" amounts of saturated fat.

Our entire theory of cardiovascular health falls apart when we examine the data… Image
Jan 2 15 tweets 3 min read
As a new administration comes in, I expect to hear more about how banning seed oils or disincentivizing ultraprocessed foods is "unscientific".

Here's the story of how "scientific consensus" kept trans fats legal for 60 years: 2/ Modern medicine excels at acute care.

Car accident? You're in good hands.

But with nutrition science, research has been corrupted by corporate interests, leading to decades of harmful dietary guidelines.
Jul 26, 2024 12 tweets 3 min read
There are 40,000+ chemicals in American products, food, and water that have never been safety tested.

And tens of thousands more toxic chemicals (like glyphosate) that are considered safe due to low exposure levels.

Ever wonder how these safe exposure levels are determined? Spoiler: It's not as scientific as you'd hope.

The process, roughly, goes like this:
-ChemCo invents a chemical that makes your eggs not stick
-ChemCo runs their own tests, tells FDA it's safe
-The novel chemical hits the market
Feb 7, 2023 9 tweets 2 min read
The average 22-year-old male has the same testosterone as a 67-year-old male...

In the year 2000.

Just 23 years ago.

Why is this happening, and what can be done about it? It's impossible to overstate the importance of testosterone.

It is crucial to your:

• Energy
• Mood
• Muscle growth
• Libido
• Cognitive function

Basically, name a bodily function, and there's a good chance testosterone affects it.
Apr 29, 2021 23 tweets 6 min read
I've started 2 consumer brands (@kettleandfire and @perfectketones) that each have done $100mm+ in sales in less than 5 years.

If you’re starting a consumer brand, here are the 7 key areas to focus (thread): 1/ CHOOSE A TREND

Big CPG is incredible at optimizing the hell out of their existing products. They’ve got supply chain and manufacturing know-how for days.

Where they’re less incredible?

Nov 18, 2020 24 tweets 6 min read
1/n A tweetstorm about a little-discussed factor that’s destroying American health: vegetable oils. 2/ Something bad is happening in American health, and I don’t mean just COVID.
Jun 7, 2019 10 tweets 3 min read
1/ Some thoughts on the relationship between wealth and happiness:

(Inspired by the @naval and Joe Rogan podcast of a few days ago) 2/ The latin term “via negitiva” means “by subtraction”. Often used in context of bettering your life: instead of focusing on adding, try to subtract negative.

End a toxic relationship? Leave a bad job? That'll improve your happiness “via negitiva” - happiness by subtraction.
May 29, 2019 47 tweets 8 min read
1/ In my last thread (below), I talked about the health drawbacks of Beyond Meat ($BYND) and Impossible foods.

Now let’s talk about the health of their businesses. 2/ Spoiler alert - I am incredibly skeptical, and am short $BYND (as 44% of $BYND shareholders appear to also be).

May 28, 2019 12 tweets 3 min read
1/n A quick tweetstorm about why I think Beyond Meat ($BYND) and Impossible Foods are the trans fat purveyors of our generation. 2/ Let’s start with Beyond Meat. For those that don’t know, $BYND’s flagship product is their Beyond Burger - a pea-protein product that’s supposed to replace the standard ground beef patty.