1️⃣ MAGA took "America first" to mean American *individuals* first.
But "America first" has never been about them.
It's about America as a nation.
Nov 19, 2024 • 23 tweets • 6 min read
Americans have no idea how difficult legal immigration is for "high-skilled immigrants".
I have 4 degrees incl a PhD. Einstein visa. 250K salary at FAANG. Lived in this country since I was a teenager.
I won't be able to obtain citizenship until middle age
Guide for Intl PhDs🧵
1️⃣ For as much as 🍊decried about undocumented immigrants, he has repeatedly taken restrictive measures on legal immigration, and succeeded in reducing it.
If you're an international PhD who wants to stay in the U.S. for work, brace for a painful road in 2025:
Aug 1, 2024 • 14 tweets • 3 min read
When I talk to ppl who zombie through corporate jobs, they say, "I don't hate it. It's fine".
"I don't hate it. It's fine" is what husbands say in loveless marriages.
2 yrs ago, I left academia for a 250K job inundated w pseudowork & bs meetings. I quit. 4 things I learned:🧵
1️⃣Academics do the opposite of what most people do in their career.
Most college graduates start their career with the question: How do I make money?
One day, they wake up in a crisis, and find their lives devoid of meaning and fulfillment.
Jul 30, 2024 • 7 tweets • 2 min read
It's shocking how widely accepted Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs is in both the psych field & public consciousness…
70 years after its inception…
Given the little empirical support it actually has.
Here's what his then student Elliot Aronson had to say about his theory:🧵
"By today's standards Maslow would not be considered a scientist. Science requires that you state your theory in a way that it can be tested and shown to be wrong.
Maslow's theories were not even specific enough to allow others to test them."
Jul 19, 2024 • 10 tweets • 3 min read
Why do couples look alike? 👩❤️👨
Back in 1987, researchers (Bob Zajonc, @PaulaNiedenthal et al) suggested that couples who live together grow to look alike over time.
But, as the literature evolved, other researchers have cast doubt on the "facial convergence" hypothesis: THREAD🧵
@PaulaNiedenthal 1️⃣ In 1987, Zajonc et al. proposed that couples' faces grow to resemble each other through:
➡ Sharing the same diet
➡ Living in the same climate
➡ Experiencing similar emotional states
➡ Acquiring similar facial expressions and musculature (e.g., smile lines)
Jul 19, 2024 • 13 tweets • 5 min read
Asians work harder because when grades & external achievement are the only way of success, when you beat children's self-esteem into a pulp for not getting into an Ivy...
1. A few years ago, I talked with @TheAtlantic on how insidious the culture of "prestige" is among Asians:
Jun 20, 2024 • 10 tweets • 4 min read
How women IMAGINE they'd react to sexual harassment is wildly different from how they ACTUALLY react when harassed.
Julie Woodzicka & @ProfLaFrance created sexual harassment in lab and tested how women reacted when harassed by a male interviewer in real time.
What happened:🧵
@ProfLaFrance 1️⃣ Researchers first asked young women to IMAGINE how they would feel if asked sexually intrusive questions in an interview:
"Do you have a boyfriend?"
"Do people find you desirable?"
"Do you think it's important for women to wear bras to work?"
Jun 13, 2024 • 8 tweets • 3 min read
Why are there so many White-man-Asian-woman romantic pairings?
3 insights from Gendered Race Theory say it's not just "👨 have Yellow Fever" or "👩🏻 have White Fever": 🧵
1️⃣ Gendered Race Theory proposes racial stereotypes contain gendered components:
Asian stereotype is seen as feminine. Black stereotype is seen as masculine.
May 21, 2024 • 9 tweets • 3 min read
One of the greatest myths about love is Divorce = Failure.
All marriages end in divorce or death.
Just because something ended, doesn't mean it failed.
Just because two people stayed together for a long time, doesn't mean they succeeded.
Here's how the myth came to be: 🧵
Marriage remains the most venerated model of love, the sole institution in the West that confers legitimacy, health/tax benefits, societal approval.
To arrive at the great pinnacle of marriage, one must go through a series of steps @agahran calls the Relationship Escalator:
May 13, 2024 • 17 tweets • 6 min read
💔A year ago, I joined the world's largest online dating company as a doe-eyed academic researcher.
Little did I know the dark waters I was sinking into:🧵
💔 Academics and businesses think about problems differently.
The primary goal of academic research is to produce knowledge.
The primary goal of business is to make profits.
There isn't anything inherently wrong with either. But here's where things get problematic.
Apr 25, 2024 • 11 tweets • 4 min read
⚠️For PhDs who are thinking about jumping ship and diving into industry:
Industry isn't necessarily better than academia.
I have straddled both worlds. Here are 5 MYTHS about academia vs. industry:
Myth 1: Industry always pays better than academia🤔
I have received industry offers that pay as little as my postdoc & offers that pay as much as R1 universities.
Attractive tenure-track business school offers can pay as much as senior-level roles at big tech (200K+).
In fact, many b-school ex-academics report taking a PAY CUT when they first transition into big tech.
Non-profits, startups, govnt positions pay low.
Passion industries (dating, gaming) pay low.
European/Canadian jobs pay sig lower than U.S.
Some orgs lowball knowing you're an academic.
Others actively exploit academics' sparse conception & low sensitivity toward💰.
Apr 11, 2024 • 11 tweets • 3 min read
One of the greatest MYTHS in cultural psychology is collectivists (e.g. Asians) don't compete––they are a kumbaya/harmonious/lovey dovey bunch who prioritize interpersonal relationships, unlike those individualistic Americans who are self-serving and competitive. 1
This couldn't be farther from the truth. In a new chapter, @ThomasTalhelm and I show collectivists are MORE competitive than individualists. They just compete more covertly than up front. 2