Kaja Sadowski Profile picture
Co-owner and coach at @valkyriewmaa. Martial artist, queer lady, author of 'Fear is the Mind Killer'. 95% crankiness and retweets. Opinions my own. She/her.
Jan 24, 2019 12 tweets 3 min read
Mini-rant time: this is the best example I've seen in ages of how not to write/present a code of conduct.

It's posted in the community centre gym I work out at, as well as next to the front desk.

Let's break down why it's terrible... poster outlining a code of conduct that says: 1) vague, meaningless platitudes masquerading as rules of conduct

Setting aside that the language is weirdly infantilizing, how do I look at someone's behaviour and assess whether they're "expecting the best"? What, exactly, constitutes being "responsible" or "respectful"?