It's like déjà vu all over again.💫
Don't get offended if u really believe in FOE.
Desiciple of आयुर्वेद.
Pseudo Secular इस हथियार का नाम है “अल – तकिया
Nov 23, 2020 • 10 tweets • 7 min read
From today onwards I will be making regular threads about Ayurveda -most ancient medical (life) science #ayurveda_for_beginners
Today we will look at What is Ayurveda, it's subject and it's objective
What is Ayurveda
The science which deals with four kind of life span(आयु) - हित आयु, अहित आयु, सुख आयु, दुःख आयु, what is good (पथ्य) and what is injurious (अपथ्य), it's (aayu) span(मान) is known as Ayurveda/ आयुर्वेद
Nov 23, 2020 • 4 tweets • 5 min read
What do you know about Ayurveda and if you thinks you are right in spreading this misinformation. I dare you to have a debate/discussion with me and if you prove I will disown my degree and Dr. from my name.🙏
Braberic Tipu Sultan - From the diary of Francois Ripaud.
François Fidèle Ripaud de Montaudevert (1755–1814) was a French privateer, notable for bringing a group of French soldiers from Isle de France (Mauritius) to aid Tipu Sultan against the British in South India.
He had heard a lot about Tipu Sultan
but when He came to live in Tipu's state, Ripaud was disgusted when he came to know the real face of Tipu. Ripaud had assumed that Tipu was a noble leader who respected the opinion of his people. But it was not the truth.
Oct 30, 2020 • 19 tweets • 5 min read
Kilvenmani massacre
The Horrific Christmas Night of 1968
The double face of DMK and how Communist use poor people to fulfill their agenda
The Kilvenmani massacre was an incident in Kizhavenmani village, Tamil Nadu on 25 December 1968,
in which a group of around 44 people, the families of village labourers, were murdered by a gang, allegedly led by their landlords. It became a notable event in left wing political campaigns of the time and in Dravidianist ideology.
Oct 29, 2020 • 19 tweets • 7 min read
Eid Mubarak Kafiro ☪️
Today on
Eid-milad-un-nabi, we momins celebrate the B'Day of Greatest Feminist and social reformer of Arab 'Muhammad Bin Abdullah'
Abū al-Qāsim Muḥammad ibn ʿAbd Allāh Born approximately 570 CE in Mecca during Year of the Elephant, which is named after the failed destruction of Mecca that year by the Abraha, Yemen's king, who supplemented his army with elephants.
Oct 28, 2020 • 16 tweets • 8 min read
Why Munger Killing is a serious sign for Hindus to Wake Up.
The enemy we always underestimate/ignore
It's connection to #Urbannaxals and #antiCAARiots
The news we know -
An 18-year-old man was shot dead and some people including police persons were injured in firing after clashes during the immersion of Goddess Durga on Monday. a pic has emerged after the incident is that of a young man dead on the ground, his head split open.
Oct 17, 2020 • 26 tweets • 8 min read
The 1941 census had estimated the population of Hyderabad to be 16.34 million, over 85% of who were Hindus and Muslims about 12%.
In spite of Hindu majority, Hindus were severely under-represented, The Nizam and his nobles, mostly Muslims owned 40% of the total land in the state
After independence
In 1947 after independence the British raj left the local rulers of the princely states the choice of whether to join 🇮🇳or 🇵🇰 or to remain independent.
Nizam Osman Ali Khan decided not to join either 🇮🇳 or 🇵🇰 after the partition of India.
Oct 17, 2020 • 5 tweets • 2 min read
या देवी सर्वभूतेषु माँ शैलपुत्री रूपेण संस्थिता। नमस्तस्यै नमस्तस्यै नमस्तस्यै नमो नम:॥
Mata Shailputri is an absolute form of Mother Nature. She is the embodiment of patience and devotion.
Mata Shailputri wears Half Moon on the forehead, holds Trident in right hand & Lotus in left hand, she is Mounted on Nandi, the bull, which is related to the energy of fertility and fertile soil.
Oct 16, 2020 • 22 tweets • 7 min read
Story of man-eaters of Sunderban.
One of the biggest massacre done by Communist Government Of West Bengal in 1978-79.
About 41 years ago, thousands of Bangladeshi hindu refugees (mostly dalits/OBCs) were killed in a police firing and the starvation because of economic blockade on Marichjhapi island in West Bengal’s Sundarbans.
Oct 9, 2020 • 26 tweets • 8 min read
Curse of Caste System
Who, How and Why injected this venom in our society. Which is one of the biggest threat to our Nation.
It's going to be a long thread but believe me it will clear all the fog around it.
Present :
1st we have to understand what does caste system is, it is a system which defines someone's socio-economic status on the basis of his/her caste(jati) or in general based on surnames. So where are the roots of this system.
Satish Chandra was born in Meerut, Uttar Pradesh to Sir Sita Ram, India's first High Commissioner to Pakistan and his wife, Basudevi.
He attended Allahabad University where he got his B.A., M.A. and D.Phil. His doctoral thesis was on the Parties and Politics in 18th century India
Sep 30, 2020 • 19 tweets • 6 min read
Akbar The Great ??
🤔THREAD🤔 @Mahadevangini @Dharma_Yoddhaa @basicfunk@ablacious021@AlpaChauhan_@vedicvishal@VertigoWarrior@IndiaTales7 @shrilalraghudev @hindujedi@DesiDiplomat
अकबर का जन्म राणा अमरसाल के महल उमेरकोट, सिंध में हुआ था। यहां बादशाह हुमायुं अपनी हाल की विवाहिता बेगम हमीदा बानो बेगम के साथ शरण लिये हुए थे। अक़बर का वंश तैमूर और मंगोल नेता चंगेज खां से था अकबर नाटा 5'7" था, उसकी नाक के बाईं ओर बड़ा मस्सा था अकबर पढ़ या लिख नहीं सकता था
Sep 27, 2020 • 4 tweets • 4 min read
'God particle/Higgs Boson Particle' is named after Indian physicist Satyendra Nath Bose and British physicist Peter Higgs 🙏
You all will amaze to know that Mr.S.N. Bose is the one who worked with Albert Einstein. Bose is the man behind Bose-Einstein statistics which revolutionised quantum physics and lead to the greatest scientific discovery of this generation popularly known as God particle.
Sep 26, 2020 • 7 tweets • 3 min read
Why shouldn't we send our children to ✝️convent school ✝️
They are the first line of cristianity to rope the seed of conversion in a child.
But what's the reason behind the name convent and why I am calling them the place of conversion??
@Dharma_Yoddhaa @Mahadevangini
Convent means 1. A place Christian community of nuns living together under monastic vows. 2. Assembly or group of people believing in same faith. 3. the building used by the community, particularly in the Catholic Church, Lutheran churches, and the Anglican Communion.