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वैयाकरणः नैयायिकः मीमांसाSध्येता । Sanskrit Grammarian.
Jan 10, 2024 21 tweets 4 min read
Let us again delve into this interesting topic that apparently (appears to be) is about considering Jagat as illusionary, but that is not the intention of Gosvamiji.

Let's look at the conclusion he makes first. Balakanda Doha 118 Chaupai 3 - Rama is verily that Supreme Being. + O Bhavani, any kind of illusion in Rama is impossible. If you say so, your words are non-coherent with the prescribed opinion of the Vedas. When such a doubt arises in your mind (that Rama is influenced by Maya), all wisdom, penance and austerities are lost. Now let's look +
Sep 6, 2022 12 tweets 3 min read
पृथिवी को अचला के साथ साथ पुराणों और कोषों में "जगती" भी कहा गया है। गच्छतीति जगत् सा एव जगती। जो पृथिवी का पृथिवीत्व है वह स्थूल होने से है और उसी कारण उसे अचला कहा गया है। आर्यभट अवैदिक नहीं थे। वे भी वेदों में श्रद्धा रखने वाले आचार्य थे और अन्य स्थिरत्ववादी भी। + इसमें मैं अपना मत रखूँगा। मैं भागवत को सर्वाधिक प्रमाण मानता हूँ और भागवत के अनुसार सूर्य न केवल पृथिवी की अपितु तीन लोकों की परिक्रमा लगाते हैं रथारूढ़ होकर। भागवत में पृथिवी आदि तीन लोक स्थिर हैं भूः भुवः सुवः और साथ ही चपटे हैं मण्डलाकार गोल जिनकी सूर्य रथमें चकल लगते हैं। +
Nov 30, 2021 25 tweets 5 min read
Now comes the 2nd part = proving same Varnashrama as Puranas from Rigveda.but before that i am unable to understand the exact stance of Mr @Koenraad_Elst sir please clarify what is your stance, did casteist ppl interpolate the Shambuka episode, or it is determined due to solar prince? Lets assume as you said Rama was a solar prince, how does that make Shambuka episode an addition? What is the relation? Also your assumption is incorrect because any "rational" being cannot assume this "rationally" as Ramayana is an Epic, not a scientific journal that you
Nov 29, 2021 21 tweets 4 min read
An Extremely important thread. Few days ago, @Koenraad_Elst ji had claimed that the story of Shambuka was not in the Ramayana previously but later added by people of casteist mindset. This claim shall now be critically analysed. Before I start, I would like to clarify in the beginning that social hierarchy is not the purpose of Varnashrama, that is secondary. Primary function is to perform the Vaidika Yajnas, hierarchy in social status is necessary for any Society to function. But such status is flexible
Sep 6, 2021 11 tweets 3 min read
Again random cherrypicking and claiming interpolation, there is no basis to his claims. First claim is incorrect, that both had reached youthb y age just because he found समुपस्थितयौवनौ. Maricha says Rama is 12 years and has not yet got any beard and is still a kid. + बालो द्वादशवर्षो ऽयमकृतास्त्रश्च राघवः ।
।। 3.38.6 ।।

अजातव्यञ्जनः श्रीमान् पद्मपत्रनिभेक्षणः ।
।। 3.38.14 ।।
अजातव्यञ्जनः अनुत्पन्नयौवनलक्षणः - Govindaraja

First word is बाल = kid, now here even the age is mentioned 12 years, dvadasha varsha = 12 years age.
Jun 7, 2021 6 tweets 2 min read
@tishya_saran this comes from lacknof understanding anything abt hinduism. Hinduism says absolute freedom is a myth while abrahms say free will, there is nobody out of the boundary of Dharma and you have no right to choose what you want. Morality based on choice leads to hedonism If such is your imagination of hinduism leave it alone. Just speak as an atheist against hindu hatred and expose hypocrisy of the left. Manu Smriti is sanctioned in Ramayana Mahabharata Jaimini Sutras Apastamba Sutras and also directly in Vedasn"यद्वै...भेषजम्". +
May 31, 2021 26 tweets 5 min read
This is in response to me saying Shaastras have no Blood Purity Concept. Listen folks, this guy like others is just another larper. His affiliation is more caste than Shastras hence such harsh words Are pricking him so hard lmao. caste supremists and raitas have smthin in common+ Taking convinent part and rejecting other parts. Before Raitas get excited let me tell Shastras are against Intervarna marriage and stupidity like Varna from Karma. These guys opposed Raitas bcoz their Caste Supremacy was affected not to actually support Shaastras. So now by +
May 26, 2021 29 tweets 6 min read
She has misquoted Jagadguru, when I went to the chapter and verse, she has presented only half of it. The last part is conveniently ommitted. It is true unlike Smartas Vallabhacharya does not accept Varna at birth, but he does accept eligibility at birth which ill elaborate now + I have seen many political Hindus use Vaishnavacharyas to peddle false liberal notions, like Ramanujacharya for egalitarian equality, Madhvacharya for his cherrypicked statements on Varna by quality, The Yudhishthira-Sarpa conversation in MB and now Vallabhacharya. +
May 21, 2021 9 tweets 2 min read
Today is Janaki Navami. Jay Maa Janaki.
Short thread to say why dont trUST fools by denying Agni Pariksha. This is an Insult to the immense love of Shri Rama and you'll soon know why. Rama says त्वानुजाने which is a pun, it means I allow you to enter and I also know the Reality. This also means that Rama never asked her to enter fire. Sita herself orders Lakshmana, Lakshmana is struck. He looks at Rama, Rama nods and by getting asked by both, he gets wood. +
May 16, 2021 26 tweets 5 min read
I will share a very unpopular and blunt opinion, not opinion but fact today. Something by which I may get cancelled by Dimwits. But I will say read entire 1st. Puri Shankaracharya isn't Finat Authority on Dharma, not Puri Shankaracharya, Any Shankaracharya. Or Vaishnavacharya. + I saw a video of Puri Shankaracharya declaring post of Shankaracharya as Sarvabhauma Acharya, and few Advaitis also in my fb feed have expressed opposition to such a narrative. A person may have utmost Gurubhakti, but disagreement from Guru on basis of Shastras is justified, +
May 11, 2021 21 tweets 4 min read
Why do we need Shaastras? Are Shaastras Scientific?
Ans = We dont need Shaastras for stuff that is scientific. If it can be percieved or understood through reasoning, rationalization and physical methods, how will Shaastras tell us something unique we couldn't know otherwise? + Imagine a horse standing in front, i say to a friend besides me 'look a horse', he replies back 'duh, i can see it'. There's really nothing new abt that restatement, the Vedas etc don't restate stuff we already know/can know by physical proofs. It would be useless if they did. +
Apr 22, 2021 21 tweets 4 min read
The biggest contribution of Bharatiya Vaidika Arya Hindu Culture to the entire world in terms of Upasana is the Tantrika concept of 'Devo bhootva devam yajet', which has inspired Sufis Christianity etc. The concept is present in code form in the Vedas but expanded thru Tantras. + Modern historians and indologists includi hindu ones like to attribute diff type of evolution in the shaastras, some of it is true, sm of it is enforced. Before understanding this uniqje and revolutionary concept, rmv d mindset that Yoga Upasana etc came into Vedas thru Tantra.
Apr 14, 2021 15 tweets 3 min read
On the anniv of Bra, let us take in mind few flaws and unethical means he used to spew hate against hindus. He was against Caste, but never chose Atheism like Savarkar, chose a religion equally casteist sharing so many parallels to Hinduism. + Myth= buddhism believes in equality. No. Buddhism Jainism Hinduism all 3 believe in Samsara, samsara means birth is based on prior karma and karma is due to birth, such circle keeps continuing and this cycle has no beginning. Buddhism cannot exist without Pratitya-samutpada +
Apr 10, 2021 25 tweets 7 min read
Entire Sadhguru Blasphemous Links compiled.
Proudly Admits he never read Gita Upanishads Vedas not even Yogasutras.

Says he read no scripture but authoritatively speaking on scriptures, says there is no concept of 1 God here only multiple divine entities. Calls those entities as "tools". Says Gods are our making. No 1 God who controls everything. Reality is Rigved calls him 1, who is called by names Shiva Indra Brahma etc.
Apr 5, 2021 19 tweets 4 min read
This fool is justifying what Jaggi said. He has quoted Brahmavaivarta, I will also show what is given there. No.1 Nobody has said love of Gopis had any form of lust, but there is difference of Shringaar Ras and Vaatsalya Raa, there is nowhere Yashoda has shown desire to be lover lover of Krishna, Gopis loved Krishna as Husband, Lover, wajted to have Romance with him, there is no lust in Romance. But Yashodaji's love was always of a Mother, she saw Krishna as a child, and Jaggi has alleged many things in 1 video which I will list now +.
Apr 3, 2021 4 tweets 1 min read
Exact experience in subtle form. For eg, entire tree is inside seed in subtle form. The experience will be saved as Samskaras. The way something in a comp is saved as binary digits or something. Similarly our Subtle mind saves the entire experience in such subtle form. +++ Samskara means not the daily life. Experience is direct like through senses and Indirect like through lnference, comparision, apprehension etc. From any type of experience, the subtlemind shifts a bit and has Samskaras inside it. For eg if i saw a pot, my mind will have the +++