Konrad Burchardi Profile picture
Associate Professor of Economics at @iies_sthlm. LSE PhD, @cepr_org Fellow, BREAD Affiliate, @RevEconStudies Associate Editor
Apr 6, 2022 15 tweets 4 min read
There seem to be a number of different motivations for an embargo on Russian energy exports.

Motivation #1 is to end the war as soon as possible. The simple idea is that by buying Russian coal, oil and gas we provide financial resources which keep the Russian government afloat. An embargo would complicate Putin’s ability to fight the war, and in fact accelerate regime change. This argument is made forcefully by @sguriev and @itskhoki. With this motivation an embargo should be enacted right now, and it might make sense to promise to lift the embargo...
Apr 3, 2022 4 tweets 3 min read
Watching Germany's two main news shows, @ZDFheute and @tagesschau, I am surprised. Why do they feel the urge to sow doubts about the images from #Bucha? @ZDFheute reports on the Russian statement that they had nothing to do with it and left a while back, and combines that with @Bundeskanzler Scholz "demanding access for international observers".
Mar 31, 2022 29 tweets 6 min read
Ein paar Gedanken zu “mathematischen Modellen”, vor allem für jene, die mit ihnen nicht so vertraut sind.

Was ist überhaupt ein Modell? Aus meiner Sicht ist es eine klar artikulierte Vorstellung davon, wie ein Aspekt der Welt funktioniert. Wenn man sich Gedanken darüber macht, welche Auswirkungen eine wirtschaftspolitische Massnahme hat, gebraucht man natürlich erstmal eine Vorstellung davon, wie unsere Volkswirtschaft funktioniert.
Mar 31, 2022 18 tweets 8 min read
Es fällt mir etwas schwer, @OlafStorbeck's Enthusiasmus für @tom_krebs_ kritischen Artikel zu teilen. Ich bin kein Makroökonom, und vielleicht liege ich mit dieser Einschätzung voll daneben. Aber hier ein paar Gedanken. Der Einfachheit halber, nochmal die ersten "Highlights", die sogenannten "handwerklichen Mängel". Image
Mar 7, 2022 14 tweets 4 min read
Last year I had the chance to serve on the @ERC_Research Starting Grant evaluation panel. I wanted to quickly share a couple of things I learned. Maybe they are helpful to future applicants. I guess some points apply to other grants as well. 1. There is a common perception that the ERC Starting Grants reward great CVs. That’s wrong. The evaluation is primarily forward-looking: the panel is asked to identify the most promising projects.
Sep 27, 2018 7 tweets 2 min read
1/ We put an old question to an experimental test: How much does agricultural output fall when output sharing rules make the farmer less-than-full residual claimant? We find that farmers with a 75% share in output produce 60% more output than farmers with a 50% share in output. 2/ Second, we find that farmers with a 75% share use more inputs, both capital and labor, and take on more risk. Under plausible assumptions about the returns to inputs and risk-taking, these changes fully account for the increase in output, each factor contributing about half.