An informed & engaged electorate is our best hope for good governance.
MDiv+MPA & Nonprofit Exec.
Frmr #ksleg candidate. Paid for by Keith for Kansas.
Jan 20, 2023 • 13 tweets • 9 min read
How does school choice work? Here's a super brief summary🧵
Basically: instead of the state funding your local public school based on enrollment, it would set aside the per-student $ and connect it directly with your child instead of the school. #ksleg#ksed#novouchers 1/12
Two basic versions of school choice are vouchers (which work like "coupons" worth the amount of per student funding the state has given) and education savings accounts (which work the same way). #ksleg#ksed 2/12
May 21, 2022 • 21 tweets • 4 min read
This is a long 🧵 on open enrollment in Kansas. I think it’s important that we all know what’s on the table here. Most Kansans I have spoken with have no idea that their legislatures added this ti the school funding bill. #ksleg#ksed#ksleg passed a bill that will give us open enrollment in public schools starting in 2024. At first, this sounds like a great idea: parents can choose any school in the state that they think is best for their kids (assuming they have the jobs & home-life that make it work).