Kendall Brown Profile picture
healthcare advocate | Quaker | I live for books, plants, and Dolly Parton
2 subscribers
Mar 25 5 tweets 2 min read
My husband was one of the service members put at risk by the signal chats that Sen. Mullin is now LYING about in this video he filmed instead of returning my calls.

So here's a snippet of my convo with his office today. I meant every word of this. I expect a call, Senator. Just got back on Twitter to discover this tweet going viral unexpectedly. 😳

So just to be clear: My husband is deployed in that area & would be impacted by OPSEC failures/attacks but was not involved in the Houthi strikes themselves. Don't want to inadvertently mislead anyone!
Oct 27, 2024 11 tweets 3 min read
This is my time to shine, because my favorite hobby is being Dr Phil's #1 hater.

Let's talk about some of the things this piece of shit has done, shall we? 🧵 1/ Let's start with the obvious: "Dr" Phil hasn't held a license to practice medicine for two decades.

But he's been under investigation by medical boards for a hell of a lot longer than that.

In the 80's, Texas found that he had an inappropriate relationship w/ a patient.
Oct 15, 2024 15 tweets 3 min read
In 48 hours, Texas is going to execute an innocent disabled man for a crime that DID NOT EVEN HAPPEN.

Robert Roberson's 2 year old daughter died of pneumonia. But the state of Texas convicted her father of murdering her.

Here's what happened: 🧵 Image 2/ In 2002, Robert's two-year old, chronically ill daughter, Nikki, became ill, vomiting, coughing & having diarrhea.

Robert & his mother took Nikki to see doctors REPEATEDLY over the next week, where she was repeatedly prescribed meds we now know unsafe for kids her age.
Apr 3, 2024 5 tweets 1 min read
Non-evangelicals probably won’t recognize this horrifying dog whistle—or understand why it should scare the shit out of all of us—so let’s do a quick explainer (🧵) 2/ Evangelicals believe Israel is crucial to the second coming of Christ (& subsequent end of the world).

But before Christ can return, evangelicals believe that a Third Temple must be built in Israel, in the spot where Dome of the Rock & Al-Asqa mosque are now.
Jun 10, 2023 5 tweets 3 min read
*Multiple* @Target stores in the OKC metro area got evacuated today following bomb threats.

This is stochastic terrorism. Far right bigots like Tim Pool, Matt Walsh, and LibsofTikTok *absolutely* know what they’re doing. Inflammatory rhetoric like this isn’t accidental. @Esqueer_ @AriDrennen in case you haven’t seen: bomb threats at multiple Targets in Oklahoma City 👆
Jul 7, 2022 7 tweets 4 min read
It’s important to explicitly name what’s happening here: The Governor of Oklahoma is using taxpayer money to target public schools in a town which saw one of the worst instances of racial violence in American history & accuse them of breaking the law by teaching their own history 2/ He’s doing all of this for one reason: to distract from his administration’s *multiple* recent scandals and help his re-election chances this November by generating Fox News headlines.

I explain why the “audit” he’s calling for is bullshit here:
Dec 9, 2021 10 tweets 3 min read
FUN FACT: In response to the worker strike, Kellogg has announced they're hiring 1400 replacement scabs to break the strike.

They're accepting apps online.

I'm not saying you should flood them w/ fake apps in a show of support for the strike, but I AM going to tell you how. 🧵 1/ The first thing you're going to need is a sample resume, which you can download from google images at this link:…

Any sample resume will work, as this little project is about volume, baby!
Oct 10, 2021 7 tweets 2 min read
Air traffic controllers in Dallas are staging a "sickout" to protest vaccine mandates, causing thousands of Southwest Airlines flight cancellations.

Wait until conservatives find out that there's precedence for firing controllers who do stuff like this...set by RONALD REAGAN. 😂 why do I feel like there is a Dinesh/@KevinMKruse flame war over this exact topic in the near future?
Sep 3, 2021 6 tweets 2 min read
Day one of Texas’s new abortion law and men are already strategizing on Reddit about how to turn in women they impregnated to earn the $10k bounty. Who could have seen this coming?

(Everyone. The answer is everyone.)
Apr 19, 2021 19 tweets 5 min read
26 years later & Timothy McVeigh's ties to white supremacist Elohim City have never been fully investigated or accounted for.

The white nationalist enclave still exists, untouched & unaccountable for the terror they enabled & pain they rained down on Oklahoma. 2/ Public understanding of the OKC bombing has reduced it to "retribution" for Waco—enabling 2nd amendment nuts to elevate McVeigh to martyr status.

It's sick, but it's also oversimplified. McVeigh & his partners wanted OKC to be the first shot in a new (racist) revolution.
Apr 16, 2021 5 tweets 3 min read
Police attacked a 73 yo disabled woman, hog-tying her on the side of the road, dislocating her shoulder & fracturing her arm in the process.

They escalated to violence because she did not immediately respond to their commands—which she couldn’t understand due to disability. 2/ The cop's reason for violently attacking a clearly confused elderly disabled woman? She had accidentally wandered outside of a @Walmart while holding a soda & candy bar—less than $14 worth of items!—which she both gave back AND offered to pay for.

Mar 23, 2021 7 tweets 0 min read
Feb 15, 2021 8 tweets 3 min read
1/ Tulsa, OK mega church Victory Church took $2.1 million in CARES Act funding (despite, of course, not paying taxes themselves.)

In November, they held an indoor concert with more than 15k in attendance, in direct defiance of CDC guidelines to protect the vulnerable. 2/ Now temperatures are below freezing across the state, and guess who is refusing to open their doors to unhoused people freezing to death on the streets?
Feb 14, 2021 6 tweets 2 min read
Gen Z out here bullying millennials about our side parts and skinny jeans like we weren’t the ones who INVENTED cyber bullying in the first place.

You can’t hurt us, Brashlynn. WE’RE ALREADY DEAD INSIDE. Until you’ve survived the Wild West of Neopets forums and passive aggressive Xanga poetry, YOU DON’T EVEN KNOW what cyber bullying is, Kierson.
Jan 17, 2021 4 tweets 2 min read
“Fuck them kids.” -@govkristinoem I’m not sure that using an official govt account to make jokes about starving kids is the BEST tactic for pursuing presidential ambitions, @govkristinoem.

Food for thought (pun intended).
Jan 17, 2021 7 tweets 2 min read
The difference between a true organizer & someone elevating their own profile is this:

An ORGANIZER will empower you. Appeals to emotion are always followed by a call to action.

A GRIFTER will disempower you. Language rarely includes next steps YOU can take to make real change. 2/ If the closest to next steps/a call to action they ever give you is “sign this digital petition that we have no plan to physically deliver anywhere” or retweeting their angry tweets, they aren’t organizing.

Don’t be afraid to ask them “how does this move us toward the goal?”
Jan 17, 2021 5 tweets 3 min read
One of the first events of the Biden/Harris #Inauguration2021 features a female comic with a pronounced stutter talking about the experience dealing with well-intentioned ableism from non-disabled people.

This representation matters, because it says disabled ppl matter. For most of our lives, disabled ppl are (at best) an after thought. At worst, we're left out entirely.

@JoeBiden & @KamalaHarris unapologetically including people ppl w/ disabilities in such a high-profile event shows that disability isn't shameful.
Jan 17, 2021 5 tweets 4 min read
1. @RutiRegan mixed you up with someone else, a mistake she IMMEDIATELY & publicly apologized for TWO DAYS before you tweeted this.

2. A miniscule # of ppl saw her tweet, esp compared to you now blasting her for to your more than half a million followers, despite her apology. But hey, @sarahkendzior, you’ve successfully managed to bully one of the most tireless advocates the disability community has (not to mention a Jewish rabbi) into going private, all for an honest mistake she corrected & apologized for. Thank you SO MUCH for that.
Jan 13, 2021 4 tweets 2 min read
Last night the federal government killed a woman whose parents rented out as a sex slave for her ENTIRE childhood and beat her to the point of severe brain damage.

Nothing about this was justice. We all have blood on our hands today, America. Every single one of us. From the time she was a child, Lisa Montgomery learned that the only time the beatings and the rapes would stop was when she was pregnant. She learned to claim pregnancy as a way to survive.

The crime she committed was a DIRECT result of this trauma. We murdered her anyway.
Jan 1, 2021 10 tweets 5 min read
Jesus Christ. Oklahoma doesn't even have a *statewide* rollout plan and is leaving it up to the counties to organize their own individual vaccine rollouts.

My county is using a free SignUpGenuis page to sign people up for vaccines—which has no verification or data security. I'd ask why Oklahoma's Secretary of Digital Transformation & Technology didn't point out how problematic this is, but @GovStitt appointed someone to the position with no digital background & he's busy getting indicted for fraud,!
Dec 11, 2020 6 tweets 3 min read
My sister-in-law was taken advantage by a predatory for-profit college in 2017. The school moved campuses to the other side of the city mid-semester (a HUGE problem for low-income students) & the teacher quit. 90% of the class, including my SIL, failed their licensing test. When my SIL signed up for their program, their finance office told her they could get her a govt grant that would pay back the entirety of her ABSURD tuition loan. That, of course, was a lie.

Now they’re saying they “don’t remember” telling her that.