Kenneth Hite Profile picture
Writer and game designer in the Greatest ✶ City ✶ in ✶ the ✶ World.…
Nov 23, 2022 7 tweets 1 min read
Not really room in the CONSUME MEDIA para to expand on my reaction to WAKANDA FOREVER but it really needed to be three movies to keep the bloat down. First give us a standalone NAMOR movie, NAMOR vs S.H.I.E.L.D. as a THUNDERBALL style spy movie, maybe Hawkeye and Falcon as our affordable protagonists who thwart Namor's first attempt to cow the surface world
Feb 26, 2020 14 tweets 3 min read
So who's up for a True Tale of Lovecraftian Horror this gray Wednesday?


On October 11 1924, H.P. Lovecraft visited the rundown city of Elizabeth, NJ and saw a very creepy colonial house at Elizabeth and Bridge Streets.

He wrote "The Shunned House" the next week. II.

That story tells of a vampire spirit buried in the cellar of an old house in Providence, where his aunt had worked in 1920. The spirit slowly drained the life and sanity from those who lived there.
Apr 19, 2019 14 tweets 3 min read
Seeing as nothing much is going on this week, I figured it's a good time for a little story I like to call* KING ASHOKA VS. KILLER BUDDHA ROBOTS

*The 12th-century Burmese monk who wrote it down first** called it "The Tale of Romavisaya"

**That we know of Our tale starts not with King Ashoka but 200 years earlier in the days of King Ajatashatru who reigned in Pataliputra, the greatest city in the world.

Except it had no robots.

A young craftsman named oh let's call him Vishva wants to change that.