Kera DeMars Profile picture
Writing newsletters @HustleFundVC. Addicted to planning events and cookies.
Sep 8, 2023 7 tweets 2 min read
Hustle Fund gets ~1k applications from founders per month. Of those, we invest into about 7.

So how do we decide which companies to back? We use a 5-pillar evaluation process.

Here's how we used that process to decide to invest in a pharma-tech co called @FamasiAfrica

🧵 1 - Our evaluation process looks at 5 things:


But first - what is @FamasiAfrica? it's a platform that helps pharmacies maintain and grow their businesses to create a better pharmacy experience for consumers.

Now let's look at the team.
Mar 8, 2023 21 tweets 11 min read
@HustleFundVC has a 5-pillar process for evaluating early-stage startups.

It all sounds good in theory, but here's an actual analysis of how we put this process into practice.

True story: why we invested into @getdailyblends

a 🧵 @HustleFundVC @getdailyblends 2- @getdailyblends is on a mission to make healthy, affordable food available 24/7

Their solution: a network of smart fridges (think vending machines) that offer fresh, healthy food products
Dec 8, 2022 12 tweets 3 min read
1/ Most VCs don't invest in media companies for 2 reasons: 1) revenue model and 2) exit potential

That said, there are things media company founders can do to mitigate those concerns.

🧵 2/ Problem #1: advertising model

Most media co's monetize through ad revenue.

The problem is that this a never-ending treadmill of ad sales.

Advertisers don't want to hit the same audience again and again, so their spend with any one media company is limited.
Dec 5, 2022 13 tweets 5 min read
1/ When I ask seasoned investors the best way to get good at investing, they all say the same thing: start a syndicate.

🧵 2/ The cool thing about syndicates is that you get the same terms as the lead. But there's no pressure to invest unless you want to. For angels, being in a syndicate is a great way to get dealflow. But being in a syndicate and starting a syndicate are totally different things.