יוזר אנונימי של יוזר גלוי, או ההיפך, לא סגור על זה.
שפות תכנות, טכנולוגיה, מקווה לא לזלוג.
אמרו שיוזר גלוי טוב לקריירה. Time will tell.
May 8, 2022 • 10 tweets • 7 min read
A while ago I saw someone asking on resource to start learning #fsharp.
Now, as an F# Jedi-in-the-making (read: utter and total n00b), here are my very-not-definitive resource list.
A mega-🧵.
*Note*: I've *deliberately* decided to just state the resources *without* commenting on them.
I'm, like I wrote, an F# n00b and it's certainly not my place to rank or grade the works and efforts I list.
Seek the resources out and judge for yourselves!