One thing that astounds me when socialists are asked the "what is a woman question" by the media is not so much the frequent blather, but that they don't immediately go into a riff about women's oppression being the oldest and deepest specific social oppression... (1/6)
They don't say that in looking at today's society & politics we must recognise and account for millennia of oppression (or defeat) of the female sex, and that upon that have arisen all sorts of discriminations, oppressions and bigotry in the field of sexuality and "gender". (2/6)
Aug 29, 2021 • 14 tweets • 3 min read
The effort at anathematising @ALLIANCELGB by claiming that it "does not represent L, G or B people in no way shape or form" betrays a confusion that underpins a lot of the totalitarian moralism from some in this debate - and there is a debate. (1/14)
Beneath that is an overuse of the term "community" to the point where it means little and obscures a lot {banking, landlord and spying communities, anyone?}. The #LGB Alliance emerged precisely because a large number of people, including some Stonewall founders... (2/14)