Interested in AI in science and medicine. Kicked out of med school for embarrassing my school by telling the truth about the pandemic. Former leftist. Blessed.
12 subscribers
Feb 28 • 7 tweets • 2 min read
Doctors often claim that measles is making a comeback because of "antivaxers".
So I plotted measles cases as a ten-year rolling average using CDC data.
And I found that measles is actually not making a comeback.
These "doctors" and "experts" are simply lying to everyone.
It's true that there have always been sporadic outbreaks.
And after the "golden period" of about 5 years in the 2000s when there were only about 80 cases per year, we're up to about 240 cases per year now.
Dec 31, 2024 • 35 tweets • 11 min read
A thread breaking down the recent @sciam hit piece and revisionist history by University of Pittsburgh public health professor Steven Albert on @DrJBhattacharya 🧵
The article is so devoid of substance that it does not deserve serious consideration.
However, people do read these articles, so I want to clarify what is being done--and not done--in this piece.
I will do so analytically, not resorting to smears or misrepresentations.
Dec 15, 2024 • 24 tweets • 6 min read
The @nytimes's @fstonenyc has responded to our letter of the editor about @zeynep's recent op-ed about @DrJBhattacharya's NIH Director nomination.
Let's break it down.
Word for word.
A🧵. Instructing @zeynep and @fstonenyc how to read basic sentences in the English language.
@MartinKulldorff @Bryce_Nickels @anish_koka
@fstonenyc opens his response by claiming that, in fact:
"The March 24, 2020 essay in the Wall Street Journal, co-written by Dr. Bhattacharya, never describes 2 million as the high range of potential death estimates."
Nov 27, 2024 • 28 tweets • 10 min read
"Journalist" @zeynep is at it again.
This time, she is twisting @DrJBhattacharya's words in a malignant op-ed published in the @nytimes.
"In the early days of the pandemic, Bhattacharya repeatedly predicted that the virus would likely kill about 20,000 to 40,000 Americans. (The death toll turned out to be about 1.2 million.)"
In his latest Kamala campaign speech, Obama implies that if Trump followed his pandemic playbook, implementing stricter measures, deaths would have been the same as Canada, with 400,000 fewer.
Obama is lying to score political points.👇
To be clear, Obama's claims are impossible.
Obama's 2016 pandemic playbook did not specify what measures should be used against a pathogen like SARS-CoV-2, or indeed, against any pathogen.
It provides no guidance as to what specific mitigation decisions should be made.
Jun 7, 2024 • 25 tweets • 5 min read
The media is making the same exact error with bird flu.
For example, @celinegounder commits this error in a recent @statnews piece when she writes:
"Based on prior human infections, it’s estimated that the mortality rate for H5N1 avian flu among humans may be above 50%."
Jun 7, 2024 • 29 tweets • 6 min read
This week @nypost published my latest opinion piece.
I argue that the government's potential response to bird flu is a much larger threat to America than bird flu itself.
In this thread I will explain the science behind my piece in more detail.
The first issue is the massive overinflation of risk. The expert class did this with swine flu and Covid. And they're doing this with bird flu.
And in the process, they're working up a frenzy--a frenzy that could end up doing a lot of harm--and making a lot of money.
Jun 2, 2024 • 8 tweets • 2 min read
George Orwell writing in 1943
I was recently dismissed from medical school on trumped up charges using a rigged hearing process because of my publicly stated views on Covid.
I have never had any disciplinary action against me but suddenly had a dozen+ filed in 6 months.
Nov 17, 2023 • 4 tweets • 2 min read
Ernest Ramirez’s 16-yo son died 5 days after receiving the Pfizer COVID vaccine.
FEMA then contacted Mr. Ramirez and offered to pay for his son’s burial so long as he would report that he died from COVID, not the vaccine.
. @RepThomasMassie is the Congressman in the video.
Sep 1, 2023 • 4 tweets • 2 min read
The best evidence shows no effect of N95s on respiratory viral infection, even among healthcare workers who know how to wear N95s properly.
Yet we are told by "experts" that we should mask up using N95s for the next "wave" of COVID19.
For the past two weeks he has been coming to my door everyday for food and water.
I jokingly named him Karl, The One-Eyed, Emperor Slayer.
Because having one eye is kind of hardcore.
Here are some photos I took over these past few weeks.
Now unfortunately…
Unfortunately, I came home late last night and found that Karl’s bad eye had begun to ooze.
It wasn’t just a bad eye.
It was infected.
I didn’t want him to die so I took him to the emergency clinic.
To save Karl, the eye had to be removed…
May 29, 2023 • 5 tweets • 2 min read
New paper using data from 29 countries calculated COVID death rate:
0-19 years old 0.0003%
20-29 0.002%
30-39 0.011%
40-49 0.035%
50-59 0.123%
60-69 0.506%
0-69 0.063-0.082%.
94% of the global population is 0-69.
In other words, Covid policy sacrificed the young to the old.
. @gbdeclaration was right and its critics were wrong.
Pandemic policy was a lesson in mass hysteria. We now understand how the great unspeakable atrocities of ages past have occurred.
They occurred in the name of the good, riding on an intense, blinding zealotry.
May 12, 2023 • 4 tweets • 2 min read
New paper in @jclinicalinvest suggests that a large number of COVID deaths may have been caused by mechanical ventilators and other hospital complications, not COVID itself.
This would explain the exceptionally high COVID mortality in e.g. Italy and NYC.…
... where ventilator use was much higher before clinicians sounded the alarm and scaled back their use.
May 4, 2023 • 4 tweets • 2 min read
Qatar study:
Death rate from COVID19 vaccine was estimated by this study to be as high as 1-in-100,000.
CDC study:
Death rate from COVID in unvaccinated 12-17-yos during late Omicron was 0.01-in-100,000 weekly, or 0.52-in-100,000 yearly.
Vaccine-associated deaths reported to the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) in the United States, 1990-2023
Vaccine-associated deaths reported to VAERS, 1990-2023
with COVID-19 vaccine doses administered overlaid
May 3, 2023 • 8 tweets • 2 min read
Harsh pandemic mandates increased social dysfunction and led to excess deaths.
This is why Sweden, whose pandemic measures were voluntary, has come out of the pandemic era with the lowest excess mortality in the world.
Sweden was right. Everyone else was wrong.
The tweet should say “among the lowest” for “age-adjusted % excess mortality” in 2020-2022.
(If I am going to be noted, use that, since that is the best measure.)
The graph plots OECD countries, not all countries in the world.
Apr 22, 2023 • 26 tweets • 10 min read
In last night's Spaces, it was claimed that there is no evidence that blood CO2 levels rise in response to masking.
I claimed that there is, and that these rises have been documented in CO2 studies to cause symptoms.
The onus of strong studies is on those who claim (w/o evidence) that masks have no harms. Hundreds of weak studies show harm. Where is strong study demonstrating safety? Until one exists, given these studies, onus is on those promoting mask intervention, not those against……
That is a big thing that people saying “but u don’t have strong study Kevin herp derp”.
I don’t have to. The default is non-intervention.
People who advocate intervention must strongly show safety.
Onus is NOT on those against intervention to strongly show harm.
Apr 17, 2023 • 7 tweets • 3 min read
In one survey of 343 nurses, 140 wearing surgical masks and 203 N95s, nearly all reported adverse effects at shift's end, with 71.4% reporting headaches.
This shows that masks cause harm, and mask mandates caused net harm.
Short thread explaining👇
Many of these are caused by excess inhaled CO2, which builds up in the dead space of masks. This for example causes dilation of the blood vessels, causing headaches through a similar mechanism as that causing headaches during caffeine withdrawal.