Kevin S Lin Profile picture
working on something new
Maleph Profile picture 1 subscribed
Jun 23, 2023 6 tweets 1 min read
imagine an universe where every time you had to install an app on your phone, you are asked to grant that app permissions.
the app doesn't tell you what permission it needs. there are thousands of permissions to choose from. not only do you need to pick the right permissions, you also need to define the specific data that permissions apply for (eg. only pictures in the 'dog' album)
Feb 14, 2022 15 tweets 4 min read
Thought this was a great write-up of the missing link with @RoamResearch and tools like it. They make it incredibly easy to add notes but after a while, make it incredibly difficult to find those notes again when needed tldr: roam's defining feature, bi-directional links, sound great in theory but break down in practice. if you rely on them as your primary means of finding notes, it quickly breaks down because there's no canonical starting point (by design)