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Live & Let Live! Believer in Free Thought & One BHARAT, Tweets are personal, RT’s & Likes - not endorsements, Rotarian. Happiness addict. Jai Human ji
Dec 4, 2019 6 tweets 5 min read
@krithikasivasw @rahulkanwal Nothing Wrong, It only welcomes - Indian religions, originated in Greater India n partly of Indo-European origins, they tend to share a number of key concepts, such as dharma, karma, reincarnation among others. The main Indian religions are Hinduism, Jainism, Buddhism and Sikhism @krithikasivasw @rahulkanwal It excludes Non Indian Religions and just not muslims. It excludes Middle Eastern religions: Abrahamic religions these consist mainly of Judaism, Christianity, Islam, and the Bahá'í Faith. They are named for the patriarch Abraham, and are unified by the practice of monotheism.